Originally Posted by simplicitus
What media doesn't suck? Please do tell. What do you real for non-sucky information?
It'd be nice if one place just reported truth without clearly being in someone's pocket/agenda. Or stopped straight up lying with exclusives of things reported awhile ago (isn't just nbc, they've all done it).
Everyone's pushing some sort of total bull****. The media sucks so much many people are happy (anyone wanna bet on the %) if they got punched in the face even when it's clearly not warranted.
I'm sad at what's happened to us and it's only gonna get worse from here. They won't change and we won't either, most people in this country now actually believe total nonsense, left and right.
How big did the tabloids that said crap like elvis kidnapped by UFO's ever get? I have no baseline in comparing that to today's ridic stuff.
I guess we can take some solace that many people insisted there was no evidence with nixon even as he resigned, and that we've had a super narcisstic pres before and survived, and a businessman running the country into a hell hole and survived, and a complete nut who hated the judiciary and a native american ban and survived but god damn are we really gonna survive all of that at the same time?