Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Skills I'd assume a very successful software designer would have.
His skills are more business-y and less software design-y. Although I was told he wrote a little bit of code in the earliest versions. RightNow had a very competent CTO from very early on though, who was the actual designer.
That said, he always seemed pretty competent as far as running the business (as far as I could tell; or at least he was capable of hiring the right people), and it was actually a good company to work for. There was never any pushing of his religious views, or weird politics internally, at least that I ever heard of. It is hard to imagine how people compartmentalize this **** but he seems to have managed it at least in that regard.
Reminds me of
research on intelligence and political orientation. Whatever it is that explains how someone like Greg Gianforte became a YEC, it's probably not that he's lacking in raw intelligence.