Originally Posted by Our House
I sure hope so. This may sound weird, but I have more faith in the FBI probe(s) than I do in the special counsel thingy. Everybody (on all sides) is WAY too happy about Mueller and it's not passing the smell test.
If Mueller doesn't pass the smell test, who does? I can't think of a better person for the job. Everyone's* happy because this has moved out of the partisan House/Senate inquiry stage which is clearly not productive. Your typical right-winger is happy because they think this Russia thing is all a bunch of liberal media nonsense, because Fox says so, and so they expect vindication and more material to lol liberals with. The left are happy to see that this effort (probably) isn't going to be snuffed out because Trump doesn't like it, and that this "Trump investigation" is something that's going to be regular news for a good long while.
*But when you say "everyone," I'm confident that Trump and some of his connections aren't happy with this choice at all. Not just because of the singular issue of Russian interference and possible collusion, but the spotlight that's about to shine on many of their activities and relationships in the process. They can't use goons like Gowdy and King to run interference for them. They're getting looked at by pretty much the best qualified person there is to do the job.
Of course I can't rule out that this too doesn't get quashed, I understand there are mechanisms to do so, but any of those would force Trump to do so very openly and aggressively (and would not necessarily succeed).
Last edited by Minirra; 05-24-2017 at 01:56 AM.