Originally Posted by RV Life
I'm catching up on the Brennan hearing now. About halfway through and this is really ****ed up. Republicans are doing their usual focusing on leaks and trying to get "no collusion" answers stuff, but something is different.
Two guys yielded their time to Gowdy so far, because he's their best prosecutor. And that's what they're doing; prosecuting. Even though the enemies are Putin/Russia and Americans they used along the way, they're prosecuting. Prosecuting like BRENNAN is the enemy who's been attacking us.
What's different this time?
1) The level of prosecution listed above seems to be more focused, intense, coordinated than previous hearings. Brennan is not as good as Comey, Yates, et al with his responses and Rs are trying to exploit that.
2) I haven't seen this before (or maybe I never noticed it), but they are trying hard to extract classified information that Trump would want to know, that also benefits Putin over the US.
3) There is much more public information available today showing Trump's efforts to obstruct, intimidate, overstep, and cover up Russian actors and connections than there was even a week ago. The same goes for the guys around Trump like Flynn and Manafort.
This **** is very much ass backwards if you ask me.