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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-21-2017 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
Theres is nothing to do, but wait for the old generation to die off. And by old, unfortunately I mean 50+, so it will take a while. But that generation grew up in a hateful, racist, drug filled time of the vietnam war, korean war etc...
How many times do we need to do the 2nd grade math to show that the vast majority of baby boomers grew up in the late 60's and 70's, completely unaffected by Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement? ffs, The Korean War ended in 1953.
05-21-2017 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Trump's true form:

Awesome. I'm such a nerd I often spend time drawing parallels between Trump and different characters from these series. So far I think he's most like Kefka.
05-21-2017 , 08:23 PM
Whoever said Midwestern olds are a generation full of narcissists nailed it. These people are just straight up idiots with atrocious views on everything who will never change their minds. The next generation down (mine) is going to keep millions of therapists flush for decades. These *******s are going to get old and be broke after a lifetime of atrocious decisions, then demand their children who they raised horribly and continue to mistreat pay for the standard of living they think they deserve. ****ing olds, man.
05-21-2017 , 08:24 PM
Trump is Wario AINEC.

Edit: Oh you prob meant JRPGs and not videogames generally. Kefka's not a bad choice then. Been a long time but I remember him being obnoxious.
05-21-2017 , 08:28 PM
By the way that crystal ball thing was exactly part of my initiation into Kappa Sig.
05-21-2017 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Whoever said Midwestern olds are a generation full of narcissists nailed it. These people are just straight up idiots with atrocious views on everything who will never change their minds. The next generation down (mine) is going to keep millions of therapists flush for decades. These *******s are going to get old and be broke after a lifetime of atrocious decisions, then demand their children who they raised horribly and continue to mistreat pay for the standard of living they think they deserve. ****ing olds, man.
Solipsist is better than narcissist imo.

What do you think about social welfare programs? The ones I and my immediate family use are good. The rest are big government waste and should be abolished immediately.
05-21-2017 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Trump's true form:

Why are Mario and Bowser on the same side? WTF man, I just want America to be America again.
05-21-2017 , 08:50 PM
Can you even IMAGINE if Obama had done the glowing orb ritual?
05-21-2017 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Awesome. I'm such a nerd I often spend time drawing parallels between Trump and different characters from these series. So far I think he's most like Kefka.
Kefka too high energy. That dude could jump like his entire body length.

Plus I've never heard trump laugh.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why are Mario and Bowser on the same side? WTF man, I just want America to be America again.
It's because smithy ruined and took over his keep.
05-21-2017 , 08:54 PM
"it's a witchhunt!"

let me use this glowing orb over here, totally not at all like a witch would do.
05-21-2017 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Solipsist is better than narcissist imo.

What do you think about social welfare programs? The ones I and my immediate family use are good. The rest are big government waste and should be abolished immediately.
We need to get rid of Obamacare. Why should I pay for someone else's health insurance? But you better not touch my Medicare!
05-21-2017 , 08:59 PM
What other countries is Trumpy seeing? Those leaders must be besides themselves wondering how the **** they are going to top a Mr T necklace and glowing orb.
05-21-2017 , 09:04 PM
Lol orb

Trump: Yeah, that’s the king. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing him. You know, I’m automatically attracted — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the orb. You can do anything.

Last edited by fatkid; 05-21-2017 at 09:10 PM.
05-21-2017 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
What other countries is Trumpy seeing? Those leaders must be besides themselves wondering how the **** they are going to top a Mr T necklace and glowing orb.
Indoor mini golf and ice cream obv
05-21-2017 , 09:07 PM
05-21-2017 , 09:10 PM
Is Trump on a mission to see how much **** he can possibly get away with before he dies?
05-21-2017 , 09:11 PM
There is a tweet for everything
05-21-2017 , 09:16 PM
05-21-2017 , 09:19 PM
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball
05-21-2017 , 09:35 PM

A desert place.
[Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches]
First Witch When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Second Witch When the hurlyburly's done,
When the battle's lost and won.
Third Witch That will be ere the set of sun.
First Witch Where the place?
Second Witch Upon the heath.
Third Witch There to meet with Macbeth.
First Witch I come, graymalkin!
Second Witch Paddock calls.
Third Witch Anon!
ALL Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
Hover through the fog and filthy air.
05-21-2017 , 09:41 PM

It's always important to remember that these people are also just fundamentally very very stupid.

We know how Podesta's emails got to Wikileaks. It wasn't Seth Rich, it was a phishing email. There is apparently some reason to believe that phishing email was connected to Russia. So the even if Rich was the source for the DCCC emails(he wasn't), there's still a Trump Russia connection.

Also, Russia literally gave Manafort a ****load of money and had all sorts of hooks in Flynn and Page. Hannity doesn't appear to understand the like broad strokes of the ****ing scandal.
05-21-2017 , 09:49 PM
Hannity doesn't appear to understand.
05-21-2017 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Obviously how courts work.
The Court of Public Opinion, perhaps. Never forget, everything they say is for the base.
05-21-2017 , 10:03 PM

05-21-2017 , 10:05 PM
I'm legit surprised to hear that Donald threw shade at the Saudis in the past. I really can't remember any from the campaign, and LOL at the notion that he would do it while he's in office. Doing anything to upend our relationship with the Kingdom would be on the short list of actions that could actually get him killed or impeached.
