Originally Posted by aflametotheground
so how did that trump vote turn out for you?
All's well that ends well, I suppose.
I mean, the worst thing that happens is the dems get their wish and Pence takes over. The memes switch over from TinyTrump to lots of pictures of Pence with rainbows snuck in the background somewhere, this forum goes back to being a snoozefest, and the democrats still lose in 2018. The race for POTUS in 2020 is FAR less controversial, but dems still have to overcome the incumbent advantage. The country won't have burned down by then. DOW probably winds up over 24,000. Full employment and GDP growth numbers are at least as high as under Obama.
I was never an active Trump supporter, and thus don't take any of this personally.
I can't wait for you guys to get too big for your britches and actually nominate Sanders or someone similar for 2020.