Originally Posted by Our House
Maybe you know that and we & 80% of the world know that. He's claiming it's unfair though.
For the record, is there a single legit illegal act from Obama?
Nearly every President in modern American history has been involved in some illegal act. It's just a matter of degree.
In the case of Obama, we have assassination of American citizens without due process. Holding prisoners overseas without any right to legal representation or due process. Knowingly bombing a Red Cross hospital and a wedding party with predator drones in the ME. Allowing for the expansion of the surveillance state thus resulting in the unconstitutional invasion of our privacy. It's not as blatant as what Trump is doing, but it is certainly illegal and/or unconstitutional.
People here love giving Obama a free pass on things like this. But the reality is that no POTUS leaves office with their hands clean no matter how good their intentions are. Like Lord Acton said, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority."
The GOP sleeps in their own filth but the Dems aren't immune from getting dirty as well.