Originally Posted by FlyWf
Confessing to casual repeated sexual assault is probably worse MORALLY, but as far as where this ranks, it's like Watergate but instead of Nixon trying to cover up an domestic-politics-motivated burglarly Trump is trying to coverup something involving a hostile nation state potentially interfering with the US government.
Not the election, that's all bull****, but if the coverup here was Russia having blackmail on Flynn or blackmail on Trump and the end game of that was Russia trying to get favorable foreign policy, that's flirting awfully close to treason.
If Hillary had done this, Fox wouldn't be calling to lock her up, they'd be discussing firing squads.
This point cannot be lost. Nixon wasn't being investigated for potential collusion with a foreign adversary to subvert our democracy, Trump is being investigated for something that is light years worse than Nixon ever did. It's completely unprecedented in our history in every way.