Originally Posted by GermanGuy
The thing is that worked in the civil rights era with the Selma march and other events I might not be aware of. In today's media there would just be enough different takes on who instigated what and who committed what atrocities to confuse everybode and make it far more difficult to get the majority of Americans and especially Republicans to agree that Trump et. al. are to blame.
Disagree. Consider the starting circumstances - everyone thinks the left is a bunch of hippies and pussies and wants to see Trumps people as tough guys. So even if the media tried to spin it, people would see through an old man biker gang showing up and beating on a bunch of yuppies. Not gonna be too hard to see who started it there. And again, you can't expect people to give up everything for DJT.
My uncle is a retired cop, 25 years on the force, proudly voted DJT, texted me teasing me for going to the women's march and asking me if I burned my bra. He thinks I am a "left wing nut job." But if I get my ass beat by some thug while peacefully protesting, he is going to pause. People have things they care about beyond politics, which most honestly see as just a game. Once violence is introduced it becomes a different story and would likely be a reality check for many.
It is wrong and unjust, but like Fly said, you can't come for the middle class white kids in USA. Kind of like how Trump's worst moment during the campaign was when he was perceived to have wronged white women, despite having already acted atrociously towards other demographics. The second the narrative goes from "look at all these pussies complaining about immigrants, don't they care about 'Murica?" to "holy ****, a white kid got killed for protesting the president" it's game, set, match politically.
Last edited by Paul McSwizzle; 01-30-2017 at 05:06 PM.