Originally Posted by Namath12
I was hoping that would be good. I'm a bit of a Guy Ritchie slappy. But it's really not.
Seems like it was brewed in the Vat of Bad Hollywood Ideas.
Guy 1: Game of Thrones is hot hot hot right now! Medieval fantasy baby, this is what the public wants! Can we make a movie with medieval fantasy tropes like Game of Thrones?
Guy 2: but we don't own the IP to GoT?
Guy 1: aw ****! We're skunked. What do we do?
Guy 2: we could tell an original story?
Guy 1: lololololololol
::Guy 2 hauled out of the room by security::
Guy 3: well, can we mine the public domain for classic characters and stories the public is already familiar with?
Guy 1: it's working for Disney!
Guy 3: It's cheap too!
Guy 1: King Arthur?
Everyone: yay! Greenlight this bad boy, $250 mil budget, set up the whole franchise, maybe set up a whole medieval story shared universe with Merlin the Magician and He-Man. Game of Thrones meets Disneyified cultural sanitation, can't go wrong, we're done here, let us know when we're all billionaires