Originally Posted by Xander
Rumblings of a sweeping anti-LGBTQ order coming soon.
And of course LGBTQ rights matter. So does mocking a disabled reporter, fat shaming women, dissing a gold star family, etc., etc., etc. Why can't people see what this guy (and now his henchman) are doing?
Liberals are playing right into their hands and are too ****ing stupid to counter it. ONE THING AT A TIME! And don't move on until the last smoldering ash has been stomped and the fire is completely put out.
Bill Maher had a good bit on Friday. Something about how the Democrats went from being the party of the people, to the party of feelings. While liberals (like Fly and 5ive) were so busy calling Americans racist, sexist, you name it, about perceived offenses, a narcissistic madman talked his way into the White House! I couldn't agree more.
I get flamed and called a racist here constantly because I'll downplay one issue to shed light on another that is far MORE important to fight over. It's possible to care about more than one thing people! And while LGBTQ rights are incredibly important, blatant racist banning and religious tests are (I think) more of a threat to our democracy. So I hope we don't move on until we finish this fight to the death. This guy has liberals coming and going and our defense is spread so thin he's going to just walk it in for a TD. The prior TD was winning the presidency. Now it's quite possibly an all out dictatorship. Wake up and see that their strategy for taking over America is working and ours isn't!