Originally Posted by einbert
Or in other words, because of their cultural affiliation with the right, they have literally given up their right and ability to process or discard information as they see fit. They now have no choice, if they want to keep their tribal affiliation they have to process all information in this garbled and twisted way. And now it's become the language they talk to us in, and oftentimes each other. They're becoming a totally separate society from the rest of us.
I'm not praising it necessarily but one thing to consider is that what you're seeing is a
highly effective ideological movement.
I try to say this without inputting my own values onto this, but I've made this point before: but having a huge number of basic automatons who can reflexively and dutifully recite highly ideological and partisan talking points (put aside for the moment that they're brazenly stupid) before opinion elites even create them is symbolic of a highly effective political movement.
The left should think long and hard about this because in the our goal should be to create the same thing. The modern left is NOTHING but a political movement of free-thinkers who require almost debilitating amounts of messaging coordination and explanation to get our point of view understood by the public writ large. That's kind of a bad thing, it has huge costs.
I'm not suggesting we perfectly emulate the modern right but it is worth noting some of what you are witnessing is a hallmark of their ideological success and our inability to counter it a mark of our collective longstanding failure.