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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-16-2017 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Remember when the right-wing had their brief infatuation with King Abdullah because they could use him to proclaim Obama a gigantic pussy? I doubt they do.
No, remember when there was more outrage than this over when Obama wore a tan suit?
05-16-2017 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

Anyone want to take a stab at what Christians think Trump has done for them?
Gorsuch. Gag rule. Sessions. DeVos. "Islam hates us." "Merry Christmas." Israel.

These are all HUGE for the people who listen to charlatans like Falwell.
05-16-2017 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
God, he's so dumb it probably is Jordan. A non idiot would've setup at least several calls and may not have even put the right one in there and then did it the next few days and thrown it in there eventually. Trump, just jordan nobody else, THEY WON'T FIGURE IT OUT.

(ok fine, other countries *probably* would've figured it out anyway but still my god)
He will be furious the phone appointment got leaked to Twitter and just continue insisting he's the best POTUS ever.
05-16-2017 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

These people would have us in the ovens so fast. It wouldn't even be challenge. If Daddy says it, they'd do it.
At least he didn't go with the hard R.
05-16-2017 , 02:41 AM

Current Investigations

House & Senate Intelligence Committees
Senate Judiciary Committee
House Oversight Committee
Defense Department Inspector General
Justice Department Inspector General (?)
FBI Counter-Intelligence
FBI Obstruction of Justice (?)
Treasury Department
US Attorneys (?)

He has a lot more obstructing ahead of him.
05-16-2017 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I can't help wonder what is uppermost in Donald Trump's mind at this moment

1) His next tweet
2) Chocolate cake
3) Which staff he's going to fire for gross incompetance
4) Remorse over the sources whose lives he endangered to boost his ego
5) Whether or not Putin is pleased
6) Golf courses in Riyadh
8) Getting up to take a leak
I'm going with "I got ya where I want ya. Now I'm gonna eat ya!"
05-16-2017 , 03:30 AM
The whole "it's his constitutional right" isn't a defense anymore than when someone gets called out for saying insensitive or beyond the pale they just say it's their constitutional right. I mean yea it is but you still have to explain yourself.
05-16-2017 , 03:52 AM
Man you know the convo went like this:

Kislyak: We get the best information on Russia. The best intelligence in the world. Nobody has intelligence like us.

Trump: Oh yeah? I bet you didn't know that we have a guy in ISIS who told us about the laptop bombs.

Kislyak: Really? Oh he was the guy from China, right?

Trump: Hahahaha. You're stupid! He's from Jordan!

Lavrov: Yes we are. Our intelligence is so weak after all. I mean we still use carrier pigeons to contact our agents and...

Trump: *interrupts* Seriously? We always contact our guys using this type of encryption so you guys can't hear us.


I have no idea how this guy has ever gotten through a deposition without giving everything up. Seeing him questioned before Congress would be like a slow-motion train wreck.
05-16-2017 , 04:19 AM
Imagine being a mole inside ISIS basically one of the bravest things you could do, working to stop terrorist attacks under the constant threat of beheading or worse to have your cover blown by a loudmouth orange c**t in order to make himself feel good for 1.2 seconds between his extra ice cream scoop and him jerking his 1 inch prick over his daughters baby photos. Gonna be a tricky recruitment season this year I think.
05-16-2017 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Imagine being a mole inside ISIS basically one of the bravest things you could do, working to stop terrorist attacks under the constant threat of beheading or worse to have your cover blown by a loudmouth orange c**t in order to make himself feel good for 1.2 seconds between his extra ice cream scoop and him jerking his 1 inch prick over his daughters baby photos. Gonna be a tricky recruitment season this year I think.
WH: We did not anticipate losing confidence of the military over this. Oops... I never happened. WaPo story is fake news.
05-16-2017 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
The whole argument would hold a lot more water if the GOP were actually a reasonable pro-business party. But they support all kinds of retrograde nonsense that is a COMPLETE waste of money, and they don't even support right-wing solutions. They really are nihilists that just believe in the worship of wealth and greed.
If got to go with Jules here, if the biggest part of income tax goes to the military, which is extremly overfunded, then it is reasonable to say this is money wasted

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05-16-2017 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Not sure why some continue to want to place an emphasis on standard partisan politics over unique and exceptional events.

Sessions being made AG is bad but it is standard stuff in the scheme of politics. Disclosing the highest level secrets to Russia is something on a whole different level. If people think the road to the Democratic Party redemption is to get upset about traditional politics it's going to be a horrific eight plus years.
Exactly. Sessions appointed AG is 'objectively' worse given our worldview and understanding of things, but that is standard type stuff for a new GOP presidential administration. This other behavior though, is insanely out of the norm and egregious. Absolutely should be more outrage over it among the general populace.
05-16-2017 , 05:24 AM
The hardcore Trump dummies are really shook now. They are trying very hard to push Seth Rich / Clinton story. So amazing. I feel like they must breath air with reduced oxygen levels.
05-16-2017 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

This ****er is going to kill us all.
Yeah but he might save some hard luck middle classers a few hundred dollars in taxes so it's all good to have voted for him.

Not going to lie still fires me up to no end that everything was known well before the election and millions still chose to vote for him. I still find it incomprehensible and wholly unjustifiable.
05-16-2017 , 06:53 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if as much as half the people who work for man child detest him and it's all about money. Also anyone in politics has to be a **** as a starting point to get anywhere.

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05-16-2017 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Wow so according to Morning Joe, Kellyanne Conway isn't a diehard Trumpkin and is only in it for the money. Could've fooled me.
Her husband is a partner at one of the most elite and expensive law firms in the country, like $3M/yr profits per partner. How much money does she need?
05-16-2017 , 07:01 AM
People usually want more no matter how much they have. The function of money changes from being something to buy useful things with to being a way of keeping score in a game between very rich people.
05-16-2017 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo

I made this thing like two days ago, and I already get to use it!:

Legit. Gonna steal it.
05-16-2017 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Ok, that cracked me up.
05-16-2017 , 07:05 AM
05-16-2017 , 07:08 AM
IRL, Trumpkins defending spilled secrets to Russia this morning. Can't say I'm shocked anymore. Just slightly amused and a little more frustrated. Highlights:

"So what if the president has to bend the rules a little to fix the mess Obama left him?"
"Worry about your own problems."
"He does these things to get a rise out of people like you. At least I'm smart enough not to fall for it."

I've gotten pretty good at letting it go when they get too outlandish. That last one earned a good "go **** yourself" reply from me.
05-16-2017 , 07:10 AM
Remember a lot of the major debate during the election was over Clinton's supposed mishandling of classified information.
05-16-2017 , 07:13 AM

05-16-2017 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
People usually want more no matter how much they have. The function of money changes from being something to buy useful things with to being a way of keeping score in a game between very rich people.
I realize that, but it also reveals who a person is. I can understand someone compromising principles to not go hungry, but basically doing it as sport is borderline evil. I'm pretty sure she's with Trump 90% of the way.
05-16-2017 , 07:16 AM
Many people still think Republicans believe in democracy and will somehow magically save us. What will it take to disabuse people of these "The West Wing"-based fantasies?
