Originally Posted by RainierWolfcastle
My sense is they that they see some sort of freeroll in lying about something that there's never going to be serious trouble over. Its a diversion that lessens the impact of more serious lies/scandal.
Bingo! They've been doing this since the campaign and the media falls for it EVERY time! Let's talk about crowd size. Meanwhile, we're confirming someone who's as qualified to head public education as a Labrador Retriever.
I read a headline yesterday: "Trump
wrongly states 1.5M people attended inauguration". That's perfect. Report the facts and the president just lied, and move on! Don't give it any more attention. Especially, don't get bogged down on talk shows about something that quite simply isn't important.
Trump is like a little kid. If he can't get positive attention, he'll gladly take negative attention. As long as 100% of the attention is on him it doesn't matter. He lives for confrontations and to boast about himself. Meanwhile, while the media scolds him for eating meat with a salad fork, he's off writing on the walls with his box of crayons.
The media is really going to have to come up with news way to cover this guy. Every time he or his staff lies, report it and then move on. Don't give him the attention that he and his supporters thrive on. He much prefers being hated and ridiculed than being ignored. So just report the facts, then IGNORE the ensuing garbage spew!
Only exceptions: When it's something of true importance such as when he mocks a disabled reporter, suggests that women should be punished for abortions, or that Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then hold his feet to the fire on that ONE point! Don't get sidetracked when he immediately follows up by attacking a gold star family. Stick with the subject at hand and once he is held accountable, THEN move on to the gold star family, etc. Until this happens he will play us like fiddles. He is a master at controlling the headlines.