Originally Posted by quinsmommy
You two plus two are the reason Trump got voted in and won't be elected out.
Ive changed trump supporters minds pre and post election so that doesn't make much sense.
You geniuses keep on talking about your fantasy land world and how everyone else is an idiot.
Pragmatism is the opposite of fantasy land. Fantasy land is voting 3rd party greens in a swing state (which you said you would) when the options between realistic winners is so stark when it comes to the environment.
Your head is in the clouds if you think we are coming out of this, long run, better environmentally.
You will do great things and change the world for the better. Oh yes put Queen Hilary back in there, I am sure if they had the election tomorrow she would lose again.
Keep popping those meds though everything will be just fine.
The world would be better with her over trump. The world being earths health.
Last edited by batair; 05-14-2017 at 03:09 PM.
Reason: I sorry i know you guys dont like the but what about Hillary folk engaged.