Originally Posted by einbert
Right now the FBI is still investigating him. There's a team, resources are being devoted, even if it's not as much as Comey would have liked. As soon as Trump gets his stooge in there, he can divert those resources elsewhere. He can have those people focus on say, Hillary's emails or pretty much whatever he thinks is more appropriate. That's a game-changing event that must not be allowed to happen.
FBI has 20,000 employees. How many are sick of Trump, 90% of them? More? They can leak. Trump breaks laws over leaks. He's picking these fights out of necessity, because he's deathly afraid of something(s) these people can expose.
If GOP won't ever impeach and he can't be arrested for his crimes, WTF is he so deathly afraid of? Jail after office? Having all his money taken? Just ego? Piss tape? DEATH??