Originally Posted by Clovis8
This appears to be a widely held belief among the right. You all think that because you might have a black friend, never say the N word, and have never attended a KKK meeting you can't be racist.
Everyone is racist. Everyone. This has been proven by social science over and over. It's like gravity. The difference is in how one deals with this fact.
Trump chooses to let his racist impulses fly at every oppertunity.
Also, a case can be made that Trump's version of racism
Is far worse than an actual KKK guy looking to lynch a few people because Trump had the power to hurts millions of people.
this whole right and left thing is a big pile of bs anyways, same as Religion. these are just tools these days to segredate People away from each other.
Just because someone does not want to have a million Muslims in his Country, because too many of them having Views on Society that are not Compatible with western culture and are infact mysoghenic, racist and discriminating about everyone that its not part of their ideology, does not mean someone has to be for Gun Legalisation or against Healthcare or against minimum Wage.
But maybe you are not able to think that critical about the world.
and yeah, everybody is racist in your mind, because you want it to be like that