Originally Posted by Dominic
This thread is scary as ****. Basically, he applies Theory of Mind to Trump...in that he really has no inner mind.
This doesn't scare me, it makes me feel better.
If he truly has a child's mind I'm confident McConnell knows it and actually will cut him loose the second it gets genuinely scary. No, I don't have faith in McConnell to save the republic out of integrity; **** Mitch McConnell now and forever and he doesn't have any ldo. But President Pence is a fine alternative for Mitch. It doesn't go to HRC.
I'm not even saying it's wrong btw, it's probably right. I mean the fiction that will come out of our time is going to be incredible -- Trump is a cartoon character and psychological case study on steroids.
The bottom line is that things are ****ed either way -- I'll take hilarious incompetence over calculated malice. The last tweet mentions containment and they'll contain him once he's a real problem (to their interests).
Last edited by Paul McSwizzle; 05-10-2017 at 11:43 PM.