Originally Posted by DVaut1
Why would he rage quit? He's like halfway or more to filling most of the government with completely compliant, subservient stooges. Congress is no obstacle. He got most of his picks into the Cabinet. Now the cops are about to be led by a Trump Slappy.
What's left in his way? Just courts, I guess.
I mean maybe this outrage is the one that finally gets him to quit but I think one very real perspective here is that he just cut out one of the few people with the authority to impede him seriously and if all he has to do is deal with a few days of bad press, it ain't that bad in the grand scheme of things.
He also golfs every weekend, plane takes him to wherever he wants to go for free, he's the envy of whatever B league wealth guys he hangs around with at Mar A Lago, his family is getting rich off of his connections, etc, etc, etc.
Like yea a normal politician where this is all they have to give for, where the presidency is some hallowed institution in which mere men have to don the mantle and live up to their imagined expectations of what a President should be and do then yea I could see a ton of pressure. When it's just another thing for doling out favors to others and for finally achieving adoration from some select portion of the public then, nah, it's not some hallowed institution. He maybe frustrated with all the meetings, pomp, etc, but as long as he's giving Republicans Congress critters what they want, the institution will bend to him not the other way around.
Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 05-10-2017 at 10:39 AM.