Originally Posted by Our House
To anyone who voted for Trump to "shake things up" in Washington: Congratulations.
None of these people are going to regret a thing, save potentially the genuinely economically insecure who might go back to being uninsured. There are probably some percentage of people who got genuinely conned by Trump's promises of greatness and they deserve our pity and sympathy, not scorn.
For everyone else for voted for Trump with these sorts of reasons, they are getting what they wanted (chaos, authoritarianism, action) or this won't matter to them. For many, even big events like this remain distant Beltway battles. Most people don't have day-to-day concerns or interactions with federal police. Comey was a name they heard in the news a few times. For others (see avwall), Trump is a big man of big action who does things and this is great. LOL HE SAID YOURE FIRED, yaaahhhhhh, bow down, this is great! Shaking things up!
The "shake up Washington" crowd was always a bit of a put-on for racists and other idiots to give themselves something banal to explain their behavior. For the people who truly meant it, many are either straight up nihilists, anti-social, authoritarian or some combination of those and are amused and entertained by the chaos and are actually getting what they wanted, and the rest are low-information and haven't a clue what any of this means anyway.
You're not going to get most people who voted for Trump with shame and sarcasm because they are too dumb, uninformed, or genuinely full of rank hatred or simply DNGAF about anything at all.
Stop waiting for the light bulb to go off. Half of these people aren't capable of turning the light switch on and the other half just enjoy the darkness.