Originally Posted by cuserounder
There are a lot of things they could do through the census. They could fudge the numbers and shift a few EVs and seats from California, NY, etc to red states as you pointed out. Also, keep in mind that minorities tend to be under-represented in the census because they are less likely to want to answer the phone for the government. The more aggressively they act over the phone, the more likely people are to not answer questions, etc.
Also, they could use the census to round up illegal and "illegal," immigrants.
phones aren't used. assuming 2020 follows 2010 protocol.
How is each household counted?
Census questionnaires will be mailed to all U.S. households in March 2010, and people will be asked to provide information that is accurate as of April 1, 2010.
Households that do not respond by mail will be sent a second form. Census takers will visit households that do not respond to the second form, to collect the household's information, or determine if an address is uninhabited.
Census takers may return up to six times to make sure a household is included in the count.
People are counted at the location where they live and sleep most of the year.