Originally Posted by piet_evil
But there were accusations about him being against black people for months, but i cant see the reason why that is the case.
Why does the ban affect Germans as well ?
And the most important question these days is : why is it bad to not letting People from countries into America were the Majority of the Population hates America ?
Turning stop-and-frisk policies up to 11, wanting to obliterate social safety net, wanting Central Park Five to die even after DNA exonerates them, wanting to 'send the Feds in' to Chicago (whatever that means), old housing discrimination lawsuits.
It affects anybody born in any of the 7 countries. Ex: Born in Somalia, but UK citizen? Door's shut on you.
Nobody's 'letting them in'. The process it takes to get approved to come here and stay here takes years. Anybody who tells you otherwise is being dishonest and probably hateful. The entire point of being a 'refugee' is that you're coming from a place where you don't feel safe, presumably because the gov't or the majority hate you. If the majority hate America it's all the more reason to help the minority that don't.