Originally Posted by dlk9s
I get why conservatives hate that Obama got paid $400K for a speech (they're *******s), but I don't get why people who aren't *******s or racists care at all. He's a private citizen. He can do what the **** he wants with his time and get paid however the **** much someone wants to pay him. It's not like he was selling out by giving a friendly speech to the KKK or ISIS or the Alpha Betas or something.
There are, of course, groups where I would draw the line, but ff someone wanted to pay me $400K to speak to them for a little while, I would be more than happy to do so.
Originally Posted by PocketChads
Some people say there was a quid pro quo, that it was a payoff for things he let people get away with when he was in power
Originally Posted by markksman
Giving a paid speech seems like an extremely dumb way to pay off an alleged debt like that. Just leaving a bag of cash in his trunk would make more sense.
The dumb part about the speech stuff is if you look at the extensive world of corporate speaking the figures are absolutely in line given the credentials.
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
not saying you subscribe to it (idk), but that is such a dumb theory
The idea behind the criticism isn't that there was a "quid pro quo" and a specific "payoff for things he let people get away with."
It's more that powerful corporations and monied interests would leave gobtons of money at the doorsteps of retiring politicians and other powerful people as a signal to those currently in power and still with the authority to regulate them that they can expect handsome financial rewards for favorable policies and regulations and executive priorities.
Any liberals still apologizing for Obama by trotting out "quid pro quo" is either:
1) ignorant of the real argument (fine, no great sin, but go educate yourself)
2) willfully repeating strawmen and not engaging in the actual argument
In addition, some other irrelevancies:
1) it goes without saying Obama is a million times better than Trump and the GOP are largely soulless and morally bankrupt. Not the point.
2) related, many of the people criticizing Obama for this are simply concern trolls with no credibility.
3) the current market rates for speaking gigs or whatever is also not particularly relevant, although the fact that $400k contains within it a lot of purchasing power for a vast majority of normal people and is something like 10x what the average American can expert to earn for a decade of labor is maybe not
The most important things to consider:
1) the incentives that these kinds of transactions create
in a system with lots of actors are what we should study, and not necessarily in how they motivate Barack Obama from this point forward or even how they motivated Barack Obama in the past; the monied elites surely don't expect to bat 1.000 when they drop bags of money all over the system, it just has to work sometimes on some people, and it doesn't have to work to get them literally everything they want, just some of what they want, or avoiding some of the bottom range of potential outcomes for them. You guys are poker players, think strategically; not every bet you make it to win every dollar on the table or win every pot.
2) the ethic that political office should not be turned into a commodity either directly or by proxy is not some radical moral claim
I'll lastly leave my own moral editorial here and that we put ourselves behind some kind of hypothetical situation where we are former Presidents and then say things like "if someone wanted to pay me $400K to speak to them for a little while, I would be more than happy to do so" and "well, these are just the market rates for corporate speaking fees, so this is fine" -- it's all of the assumptions underlying THOSE claims that find us in our current highly degraded political cultural. I'm not suggesting we're all Trumps here but "shut your brain down, moral calculation inputs are simply a combination of market rates and making sure you're not doing business dealings with only the Klan and neo-nazis and everything else, you go get that money!" is ultimately one of the causative factors the great undoing of our democratic norms and national moral character.
This is but a minor incident, but in a world where elements of the left simply look the other way on this or leap up to defend it, you have put yourselves in a place with almost nothing coherent and credible to say to voters. In a world of Republicans who transparently want to pillage the collective national stores and hand it over to the mega wealthy, Democrats who embrace all of the underlying assumptions of Republicans but simply beg for buffering the degradation of humanity while feeding from the trough -- it's not surprising that in the wake of the resulting social isolation, despondency over current macro economic forces and erosion of good governance, the appeals of racist idiot know-nothing nationalists sounds good-enough. At least they're coherent.
We can tell a different ****ing story but not while cheering on this kind of behavior. The masses are stupid and angry but not that stupid.
Last edited by DVaut1; 05-07-2017 at 07:43 AM.