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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-06-2017 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
There's some definite bull**** going on in any anti-Elizabeth Warren talk from the "left". I don't know if it's some sexism or if it's some kind of sneaky divide and conquer strategy by the DemE or a little of each, but something stinks.
It is a great shame that the next POTUS election isn't closer. Bernie/Warren would be the best thing to happen to America since the new deal. That combined with a majority in just one of the houses would just be a dream. Throw in a couple of SC replacements during that time as well. Things can change drastically before 2020, but I'm hoping Bernie still has all his faculties and makes another run, this time with advance notice.
05-06-2017 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Dan you call people homophobes, racists, neo-corporate shills on Correct the Record's payroll, and so forth all the time.

You can't suddenly pretend to be Miss Manners when people hurt your feelings by saying bad stuff about Trump voters.

I'm seriously just trying to help you out here buddy, either way you go you can still troll the dang libtards, but picking either no-holds-barred ****posting or fedora'd-civility-discourse would be 100% more effective than your current strategy.
Is it really just all about my lil homie Lil Homie Gay Ass?
05-06-2017 , 05:03 AM
Still waiting for Dan's DKos handle.
05-06-2017 , 05:05 AM
White sheets and Bud Light are the 2017 version of Van Heusen ties and Schlitz beer?
05-06-2017 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by yeSpiff
05-06-2017 , 07:01 AM
Which former poster is HastenDan?
05-06-2017 , 07:25 AM
Since I didn't see anything posted yesterday, let's get these on the record:

That's the way to market, ok Dems? You have to be willing to lie through your fat ugly buffoon face, act be completely ignorant, and repeatedly pull from a 100 word vocabulary.
05-06-2017 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
1) At the current rate, the United States will NEVER be the same at the end of only a single Trump term. He's got his hands into everything, in a bad bad way.
2) I wish #1 was hyperbole. In fact, what I said downplays reality by quite a bit.
Sadly, his win is going to reverberate for decades, with little way to reverse the damage he ends up doing with SCOTUS and federal judges.
05-06-2017 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
When he accused me of being a Russian shill, a neonazi fascist Trump supporter, and the like I went who does this guy think he is with these vile baseless attacks, so wanting to know my attacker I read his writings.

I don't think anyone who speedruns is uneducated, I think that he is, as evidenced by his posts which display both a weak knowledge base and faulty critical thinking. It was a passing comment after he literally either failed to comprehend what was being discussed, or deliberately mischaracterized the position being taken in the discussion. Thomas Bayes would lean towards the latter.

Shocking you never seemed so interested in your good friends literally attacking people as neo-nazis and white supremacists.
einbert attacked you that badly? ya, I dont see it. that dude is pretty civil and while he criticizes groups, I dont think I have seen him attack another poster.

I mean, I guess I could see you stalking fly or some of the other posters who are really mean to you, but einbert? really? thats whats so bizarre about going after him of all ppl.
05-06-2017 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
einbert attacked you that badly? ya, I dont see it. that dude is pretty civil and while he criticizes groups, I dont think I have seen him attack another poster.

I mean, I guess I could see you stalking fly or some of the other posters who are really mean to you, but einbert? really? thats whats so bizarre about going after him of all ppl.
He has a huge red throbbing boner for fly.
05-06-2017 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
When he accused me of being a Russian shill, a neonazi fascist Trump supporter, and the like I went who does this guy think he is with these vile baseless attacks, so wanting to know my attacker I read his writings.

I don't think anyone who speedruns is uneducated, I think that he is, as evidenced by his posts which display both a weak knowledge base and faulty critical thinking. It was a passing comment after he literally either failed to comprehend what was being discussed, or deliberately mischaracterized the position being taken in the discussion. Thomas Bayes would lean towards the latter.

Shocking you never seemed so interested in your good friends literally attacking people as neo-nazis and white supremacists.
It's actually hilarious how Trump-like you are. This entire post is insane-levels of reflection. It applies to you perhaps more than any other poster itt.

Don't worry though, we all still totally believe you are a bigly liberooooll.
05-06-2017 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
ATC- Dan was an outspoken supporter of Ron Paul on his prior account
Somehow I missed the big reveal on Dan's previous account, who was he?
05-06-2017 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Somehow I missed the big reveal on Dan's previous account, who was he?
Hey anyone know who Dans former account was?
05-06-2017 , 09:59 AM
i think ive seen the names lirvA and missiledog thrown around in this context but dont quote me on that
05-06-2017 , 10:27 AM
Doubtful, not enough ACish crap to be lirva and MD is still posting in SMPu.
05-06-2017 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
The oddest thing about healthcare from a Non-American perspective is how you all talk about it like it's an intractable problem when in fact the rest of the first world solved it long ago.
Usually the right wing crowd responds to the success of UHC in places like Canada, France, and the UK with "But they have rationing," which is of course total nonsense but still doesn't sway them.

Of course finding a right wing position that isn't total nonsense is pretty much impossible, so that's a factor.
05-06-2017 , 10:32 AM
What was Shame_Trolly's prior account?
05-06-2017 , 10:33 AM
If anyone's curious the beer for the bill passing didn't happen. A reporter did spot a service cart that had beer at the capitol but the person delivering it said it wasn't for any event.
05-06-2017 , 10:42 AM
It seems like Trump has been laying the foundation to seriously go in for the kill over the next few years. If he's not stopped soon, we are in deep deep trouble. Recently, some of the most worrisome things are...

1) Trumpcare - Kill off the people who cost us the most. Remove insurance or jack up rates for the poorest / most needy 33% and give the stolen money to the top 1%.

2) Stifle Free Speech / Press - Stephen Colbert, etc. Send the FCC after some and discourage others from insulting or disagreeing with the president. Promote and even mandate viewing of "state run" media like Fox News. Arrest people for laughing at the Attorney General. Set the stage for future incarcerations of dissenters.

3) Immigration - Deport as many as possible, disregarding promises to ignore innocuous family members and DREAMers.

4) War on Drugs - Stiffen penalties all around. Target the weed industry for its money and jail as many as possible. Open more private prisons to make room for the new "guilty" and profit from their downfall.

5) Conflicts of Interest
6) Nepotism
7) So
8) Much
9) More

Some items are unique to Trump. Most are pretty standard goals for Republicans in general. However, Trump takes everything to its most outer limits. This is what will DEVASTATE the country, because if left in office, he WILL accomplish horrifying and inhumane things that other (Republican) presidents never bothered to try, or weren't relentless enough to pursue.

There are a few consistent themes. Trump's agenda revolves around gaining world power & respect from horrible people, getting as rich as possible, bankrupting/killing/deporting/jailing/erasing the legacies of any and all opposition. And he is rushing to do it all as quickly as he can because he understands thst he is racing against the clock himself. He also knows that, if he survives the full term, his reelection chances depend greatly on how many anti-Trump voters he can make disappear before 2020.

A big, unspoken problem surrounding Donald Trump is the amount of effort it takes to resist. Just to break even against his continuous cat & mouse games requires a tremendous amount of time, energy and money - from the very people who can't afford it. Rachel was on last night praising leftist organizations for raising lots of money to oppose Trumpcare in such a short time period. This is not a good thing Rachel! People with little to no resources should not have to waste those resources keeping the president in check. The guy doesn't even need to pass legislation. He can literally break the poor and middle class just by talking for long enough! If he starts getting bills passed regularly on top of that (and EOs) then watch the **** out.

We have to hope Trump trips up big league or the FBI (or other investigation) gets enough on him to take him out of the White House before he follows through with too much of the above. He should already be vulnerable to emoluments violations and obstruction of justice charges. Even without a direct Russian collusion connection, it still seems like there should be enough there to form a strong case. But every group obv claims to be far away from any indictments. Who knows what they actually have, what more they are looking for, or if they are even trying their best to conduct these investigations fairly?

Yes, welcome to hell.
05-06-2017 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Usually the right wing crowd responds to the success of UHC in places like Canada, France, and the UK with "But they have rationing," which is of course total nonsense but still doesn't sway them.

Of course finding a right wing position that isn't total nonsense is pretty much impossible, so that's a factor.
The rationing thing is so weird because it's, of course, totally false (at least in Canada).

To be fair, our Canadian system is not perfect. For example, there can often be long waits for non-critical procedures like knee replacements. My mother waited more than a year for this. On the flip side it cost her nothing as opposed to the tens of thousands it would have cost in the US.

For critical care there is no wait. My friends father recently has a triple bipass and it was a couple days from diagnosis to the surgery. Again it cost him nothing.
05-06-2017 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
If anyone's curious the beer for the bill passing didn't happen. A reporter did spot a service cart that had beer at the capitol but the person delivering it said it wasn't for any event.
So the capital serves beer? Must be nice.
05-06-2017 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
What was Shame_Trolly's prior account?
05-06-2017 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
05-06-2017 , 10:48 AM
Way too much sentence-level coherence to be either of those guys.
