Originally Posted by Gizmo
Having worked in an icu it is not the doctors thinking they can play god. I have been a part of many family meetings where the doctors point blank tell them theres no hope. Families are the ones driving last ditch efforts.
Conversely, babies in the nicu will make miraculous recoveries and should always have the kitchen sink thrown at them.
Having been through this a couple of times with elderly family members, I think there is a problem with the way options are presented to families. It seems like the default is put them on a ventilator, put in a feeding tube, etc. This goes on for a week or two, until finally the family decides to do the humane thing. Nobody wants to be the one to write off grandma. If the hospital staff had said right from the beginning, "Look, at her age with her health issues, she's not going to be coming back from this. Pursuing further treatment would only prolong her suffering", I think these things would end much more quickly on average. Instead, they make it out that the default with a 94 year old stroke victim with pneumonia is to wait and see what happens. It seems like the no hope conversation happens way too late in the process.