Originally Posted by rtd353
I am not against the mandate, I think young people should be insured and pay their fair share. I am against the Obamacare 3:1 cap on the ratio of what insurers can charge older people.
Let me give you another way of looking at this. Let's say the average young person pays around $4,800 a year under the ACA. I'm picking this because I'm 30 and that's roughly what I pay. You're opposed to capping it at about $14,400 per year for older people.
How much do you think the average person can afford at 50-65 years old? You're advocating for them to pay what, 25-30,000 a year? That's impossible for many of them.
But instead of looking at it like me paying for someone who's 60 now, look at it like me at 30 paying for myself at 60... As long as the system continues on the same track. Unfortunately it has to start somewhere, so some generation has to pay for a generation that didn't pay into it. But, that's the way it is.
Yes, millenials have been hit hard with policies like this, what with paying for social security that we likely won't get to collect. But, we also overwhelmingly support the left on these issues, so what's the problem?
Lastly, if you were thinking "Eff the olds, 25-30,000 sounds fine. They should pay what they cost, or they don't get healthcare," let me throw another wrench into your plan (or lack thereof). If they can't afford it (and many of them won't), they'll go to emergency rooms for treatment that is often more expensive, which they can't pay for. It must be provided, though, and the cost is then spread over the system. You can pay for it on the front end, when it's cheaper, or the backend when it's more expensive.
Unless you support a bill that actually has death panels, you've gotta take care of those costs somewhere.