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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-01-2017 , 10:02 PM
Warren Buffet should offer Trump $1,000,000,000 to take a 5th grade standardized test and pass at a certain bigly percentage.
05-01-2017 , 10:16 PM
I would snap bet my net worth Trump could not pass any 5th grade test on any subject.
05-01-2017 , 10:28 PM
So what your saying is the president of the United States of America is clarifying stuff for us about Andrew Jackson in the year 2017? Ok that's cool. We're gonna die I think.
05-01-2017 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Hey look, he issued a correction. We'll not really. He's trying to shift the goalposts. But not really that either. No sure exactly what he's trying to do. All I know is public humiliation got him to do it.
Had to check to make sure it wasn't a fake account...
05-01-2017 , 10:38 PM
Trump now in love with Duterte perhaps the most evil leader on earth. That's cool. He literally never says anything nice about about another nations leader unless they are some type of dictator.
05-01-2017 , 10:41 PM
I think we should start a 501(c)4 whose sole purpose is raising funds to buy junk food for Trump in hopes of expediting his inevitable coronary.
05-01-2017 , 11:25 PM
Waiting for either trump or spicer to throw out some sort of there shouldn't have been a civil war and obama would've never been president and all these problems that obama created wouldn't exist remark.
05-01-2017 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
Had to check to make sure it wasn't a fake account...
Trump is just so stupid. AJ was president in the 1830's. The dude died as a 78 year old man in 1845. Trump literally thinks a 94 year old ex president would do something about the Civil War. Keep in mind life expectancy in this time period is like 40 years.

He might as well made the argument that Eisenhower or Johnson would have prevented the Gulf War in 1990. Not only that, he doubled down on his own stupidity.
05-01-2017 , 11:34 PM
I think what Trump meant is the whole fight over slavery. But he's using the Civil War as a proxy because he can't utter the word slavery. And of course he's deeply confused whatever white supremacist BS Bannon is feeding him.
05-01-2017 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I think what Trump meant is the whole fight over slavery. But he's using the Civil War as a proxy because he can't utter the word slavery. And of course he's deeply confused whatever white supremacist BS Bannon is feeding him.
No way. Trump had clue about Andrew Jackson not being alive during the civil war. Maybe he thought Andrew Jackson was Stonewall Jackson. Or half thought it. Half a thought is about all he can muster. He's pretty sure way too big a deal was made over slavery though.
05-01-2017 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Trump is just so stupid. AJ was president in the 1830's. The dude died as a 78 year old man in 1845. Trump literally thinks a 94 year old ex president would do something about the Civil War. Keep in mind life expectancy in this time period is like 40 years.

He might as well made the argument that Eisenhower or Johnson would have prevented the Gulf War in 1990. Not only that, he doubled down on his own stupidity.
Eisenhower tried to prevent the Gulf War.

05-01-2017 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Eisenhower tried to prevent the Gulf War.

05-01-2017 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Trump now in love with Duterte perhaps the most evil leader on earth. That's cool. He literally never says anything nice about about another nations leader unless they are some type of dictator.

Duterte is more of a Judge Dredd than a dictator - people elected him to murder drug addicts in the streets and he's doing exactly that, so they like him. Don't really see it ending well for them (but I mean yeah the guy is a monster).
05-01-2017 , 11:50 PM
05-01-2017 , 11:55 PM
Trump actually love/hates the media. He especially love/hates the NYT. He craves their approval. If he ever stops getting out in front of the media it's a sure sign that he's completely debilitated by dementia and is being handled by someone else.
05-02-2017 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
it's a sure sign that he's completely debilitated by dementia and is being handled by someone else.
sounds familiar

05-02-2017 , 12:19 AM
I will donate $10 to charity if no one quotes whatever trumptrain posted above and just ignores him like you all should have a long time ago
05-02-2017 , 12:37 AM

He is infinitely more stupid than dubya. Like, Dubya is closer to Einstein than Trump is to W.
05-02-2017 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic

He is infinitely more stupid than dubya. Like, Dubya is closer to Einstein than Trump is to W.
Haha that's amazing. The reporter even tries to explain the metaphor and Trump just cuts him off saying "Sure, sure."
05-02-2017 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
I will donate $10 to charity if no one quotes whatever trumptrain posted above and just ignores him like you all should have a long time ago
**** charity

Originally Posted by TrumpTrain
the balck'n done negroed up that stuff
05-02-2017 , 02:58 AM
[insert Hitler or worst male character possible] was a strong leader. He got great ratings.
05-02-2017 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by fatkid
So what your saying is the president of the United States of America is clarifying stuff for us about Andrew Jackson in the year 2017? Ok that's cool. We're gonna die I think.
05-02-2017 , 04:19 AM
This is a pretty good take on what is happening in the US. You guys are being pandered to.

The past 100 days have been a disaster — for Democrats

Democrats are completely focused on placating their frothing, left-wing, anti-Trump base — and the American heartland thinks these people are insane. They see women marching in anti-Trump rallies wearing “pussy” hats (and placing them on the heads of young children). They see left-wing mobs attacking Charles Murray at Middlebury College and trying to stop Ann Coulter from speaking at the University of California at Berkeley. They see “Bill Nye the Liberal Guy” — honorary co-chair of the March for Science — raising a question about whether people should be punished for having “extra kids.” (Which of their kids, they wonder, is the “extra” one?) They see a horrible feedback loop of left-wing intolerance for their beliefs and way of life.
And they see Democrats in Washington pandering to these people.
05-02-2017 , 05:00 AM
Great line from ezra klein in his latest article

Trump wants to be president in the way children want to be astronauts: He likes the look of the job, but has no more interest in the actual work of it than 7-year-olds have in astrophysics.
