Originally Posted by microbet
The interviewers at BBC seem to ask tough questions, openly disbelieve replies, and still get guests.
BBC is a public broadcasting service. Unlike private media outlets like CNN and Fox News, they are performing a public service rather than trying to get the highest ratings possible so they can generate more ad revenue. They can take politicians to task because there's no risk of bankruptcy or losing money.
Originally Posted by suzzer99
KJI isn't going to launch nukes unless *maybe* he's about to get regime changed. He knows damn well what will happen if he nukes anything.
This is probably why Trump's administration feels confident in pushing NK harder than his predecessor. Kim Jong-Un has to know that any attack on Seoul will result in him getting ousted from power. So if staying in power is the goal of the Kim dynasty, it pays to use artillery and their nuclear program as bargaining chips rather than weapons.
Thing is that other than Trump being able to thump his chest on how much tougher he is on NK compared to Obama, I don't see how America necessarily gains from increased aggression on the Korean peninsula.
Last edited by SuperUberBob; 04-30-2017 at 01:28 PM.