Originally Posted by goat lover
this is in reference to a bunch of alt right clowns getting ready for street fighting with bamboo sticks...
“They made us out to be clowns!' Ian raged, tearing the tabloid asunder.
“That's part of the plan, you know that.”
“But, but, but, people will think...”
“People are not generally scared of clowns, unless they live in the sewer. And I have a fun assignemnt for you, in Maine, it's time to do some editing...”
The trio approached the famous authors house from the pines by the lake. Deer for days, clumping around, unafraid of the human scent of death having lived so close. Eating the unprotected parts of the garden, the tederest shoots, Bambi the terrorist. They were wearing the clown suits, of course, for the video. This evenings festivities were the logical next step in taking back the country. In making America great again, It was time someone taught these millionaire lefties what free dom of speeach really meant. And actions always spoke louder than words.
At first, they did appear to be clowns, with their yellow fireman hats worn backwards, flag shields copied from Captain America and rattan canes, ala ninjas. Ninja please. Training fro street violence was of course, protected speech. They were just showing those cowards in the black masks the logical evolution of street freedom. But unlike the Black Panthers, the intelligence operatives providing support to them were ture supporters of the cause. Not craven informers selling confused muslims pltonium and then arresting them for headlines. No. These were the truest of believers, finally able to train a domestic army of redneck Nazi peace keepers who had a creed. Don't tread on us. Chanting in the streets with choreographed slashings and banging of canes. With their own masks and goggles, pepper-spray proof. Democracy Now.
“Love it or leave it, Anarchis freak, we will be here all of next week!”.they would chant, alternatively with “Don't tread on us” somehow to the tune of “We will rock you” with canes baning out the familiar Freddie Mercury iconic beat. It sure seemed like more than 24 percent of the crowd was with them in recent weeks. Everybody wanted to get into the units now. Since the newest trial of the century when it was the courts decision that punching women was protected speech if the Nazis could prove bullying by the media leading to mental illness, leading to the whole snowflake Nazi movement.
“We're here, we're fragile, our brains are not too agile”
It was a glorious time to be a Fascist, in the days leading up to the second term. America was finally making strides towards the greatness promised by the leader with the everchanging hairstyle. The accidental conversion of Pyongmang into a glowing crater of molten steel and glass was being looked into. It looked like a nuclear accident caused by the North Koreans themsleves, but the timing was suspicious. When coupled with coincidental, seemingly prophetic statement from the press secretary the day before the 'accident” about how “..a summit of the remaining nuclear powers was at the top of the Presidents to do list, to insure a legacy of peace for all the world's securtiy.” The White House had always had trouble with tenses, as if they knew the future and past were just ideas and were living in the moment like Buddhists. Or did they have access to Hitler's Antarctic time machine. Was he a secret advisor to Trump? Did time stop in 1972 as Phillip K. Dick suggeted? Were we all living in a shadow reality where Rome never fell and was incorporated by the 1000 year Reich?
HBO tried to warn us with the series Man in the High Castle. But that was pure science Fiction, the eerie parallels to modern life were just elements of a story thrown in their by a weed-addled trotskyite writer. A bomb-throwing anarchist whose sole mission was to bring the great Capitalist machine down to it's knees. Surely.