This Taibi column is painfully stupid:
What if all the Glenn Beck-style far-out charts with the circles and arrows somehow all make sense?
This is one of the tricks that keeps every good conspiracy theory going.
Calling giddy partisan speculation a "conspiracy theory" makes no sense, but it's also telling that he is using Glenn Beck as an example of a conspiracy about Russia instead of, you know, someone who is actually concocting a conspiracy about Russia.
Okay, he does bring up Louise Mensch, but who listens to her?
One way we recognize a mass hysteria movement is that everyone who doesn't believe is accused of being in on the plot
Eric Boehlert of Media Matters, upon seeing the strange behavior of Republican Intel Committee chair Devin Nunes, asked "what kind of dossier" the Kremlin has on Nunes.
I don't know if a tweet that reads like a joke is an accusation.
Dem-friendly pollster Matt McDermott wondered why reporters Michael Tracey and Zaid Jilani aren't on board with the conspiracy stories (they might be "unwitting" agents!)
This is nonsense. Tracey in particular was denying--and might still be--that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC and Podesta. Unless Taibi thinks the Russian hacking is a conspiracy theory...
Think about that last one. Does McDermott think Tracey and Jilani call their handlers at the sight of a scary Matt McDermott tweet and have the FSB send waves of Russian bots at him on command?
This is balls-deep stupid. Does Taibi not know what "unwitting" means?
I've been "outed" as a possible paid Putin plant by the infamous "PropOrNot" group...You might remember PropOrNot as the illustrious research team the Washington Post once relied on...
They sound dumb and WaPo did add a disclaimer about the group to its article. I still don't see evidence of "mass hysteria."
During an interview with The Times on the Russia subject a month back, there was a thud outside the window. "That may just be the FSB," he said. The paper was unsure if he was kidding.
He was kidding, Matt. Are you really this dumb?
This is how nuts things are now: a senator brushes up on Nabokov and Tolstoy (Tolstoy!) to get pumped to expose Vladimir Putin.
Let's see what the Times actually wrote:
The Virginia Democrat is losing himself in a book about the Romanovs, eager to absorb the country’s theories of war, teasing staff members for insufficient knowledge of Tolstoy and Nabokov.
So Matt Taibi just made some **** up about Mark Warner. Mass Hysteria is so widespread he has to invent examples.
Testimony of the sort that came from Warner's committee last week is being buttressed by news stories in liberal outlets like Salon insisting that "Bernie Bros" were influenced by those same ubiquitous McDermott-chasing Russian "bots."
These stories insist that, among other things, these evil bots pushed on the unwitting "bros" juicy "fake news" stories about Hillary being "involved with various murders and money laundering schemes."
This is the Salon article Taibi is referencing.
Basically nothing that Taibi alleges is in that article. The sentence he quotes refers to fake news sites, not "bots." And the article talks mostly about for-profit fake news sites rather than any Russian-sponsored sites, even going so far as to point out criticism of The Huffington Post for focusing too much on Russian fake news sites. That Taibi sees such an even-handed article as part of this "mass hysteria" is bizarre.
If the Democrats succeed in spreading the idea that straying from the DNC-approved candidate – in either the past or the future – is/was an act of "unwitting" cooperation with the evil Putin regime, then the entire idea of legitimate dissent is going to be in trouble.
This is more manufactured nonsense. Who is saying this? No one as far as I can tell.
For the record, it's much, much, much more likely that Taibi is dumb and sloppy than he is some kind of Russian agent.
Last edited by 13ball; 04-26-2017 at 09:47 AM.