Originally Posted by simplicitus
The thing I find most inexplicable is that Trump never pivoted. He could be at 60% approval if he pivoted hard post election. Instead he let the Kool aid drinkers just run hog wild. And that was already the JV team. The bench is empty with 500 positions left to fill. Can't wait for asst. sec. Kid Rock.
He actually did pivot a bit. He went back on his views on NATO. He stated that he no longer views Russians as his friends. Plus he stopped calling China a currency manipulator. It's just that these things were positions that weren't quite as important to Trump supporters as things like oppressing brown people and hating Obama.
I'm not sure if pivoting harder would result in an approval rating that high. Sure there'd be some bump. The NeverTrumpers would probably jump on board. But other than that, everybody's view on him is pretty much set in stone. Just as he could eat a baby at a rally and not lose supporters, he could cure cancer and not gain any liberal supporters either. I really can't think of a more polarizing figure in American politics. It's either unadulterated hate or extreme adoration when it come to Trump.