Originally Posted by RV Life
I just looked up War of Northern Aggression. Apparently that's something recent too. I always assumed that was what the South called the Civil War. Apparently not.
Apart from the 1862 example mentioned earlier, the term “War of Northern Aggression” didn’t appear in the New York Times again until 1972.
That's pretty crazy when you think about it. I live in Florida. People call it the War of Northern Aggression all the time around here.
The only part of this that surprises me is your statement that you hear the term War of Northern Aggression all the time. I grew up in Alabama in the 1970s and 1980s. I never heard the term used even once.
Confederate flags were a different story. I saw those all the time. In my experience, the average white person during that time who had a silk screen of the Confederate flag on the back of their pickup, or a flag in their yard, knew very little about the Confederacy or the Civil War. They certainly hadn't gone to the trouble of becoming fluent in some sort of Lost Cause mythology.
It was more a signal that you took pride in being country as ****, that is, pride in being what people referred to back then as a redneck. Racism of course was a part of that image, but the connection to the Civil War or the Confederacy was indirect. In other words, if you had asked people in this group who Jefferson Davis High School was named after, a surprising number wouldn't have been able to tell you anything more specific than, "some dead guy I guess."