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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-29-2017 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Congress impeaches him, Trump refuses to go and calls on the military to be loyal to him. What happens next?
Yeah this is the potentially scary part. I hope everyone read the Intercept reporting about what our special forces has been up to in Afghanistan. It's some real Blood Meridian ****, just scalping people and desecrating corpses for fun. I'm not sure these guys will oppose a President who's going to let them do anything they want.
01-29-2017 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
What is anyone best guess at what movie he is watching?
Urine Nation

Last edited by Jbrochu; 01-29-2017 at 04:55 PM. Reason: I heard it's a real pisser
01-29-2017 , 04:52 PM
The internet tells me the movie is "Finding Dory."
01-29-2017 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
What is anyone best guess at what movie he is watching?
obviously Home Alone 2
01-29-2017 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
I'll go first, Armageddon. Rooting for earth to explode ofc.
Whitehouse down.
01-29-2017 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
What is anyone best guess at what movie he is watching?
Think I read it was confirmed "Finding Dory"
01-29-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
isnt it weird how Obama has been silent for like 2 days?
No because he is a thoughtful guy and secondly he is probably in shock he couldn't take a one week vacation after being president before the world was lit on fire.
01-29-2017 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
obviously Home Alone 2
i heard the library of congress just dedicated an entire wing to showcasing thousands of copies of Home Alone 2
01-29-2017 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
Think I read it was confirmed "Finding Dory"
Classic. Trump really is a very strange dude.
01-29-2017 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
What is anyone best guess at what movie he is watching?
Birth of a Nation.
01-29-2017 , 05:11 PM
To Kill A Mockingbird?
01-29-2017 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
No, it is troubling to me too that he has been quiet on this considering his pledge to get involved if immigrants and/or DREAM kids were threatened.
I mean yeah agreed, but I don't think he expected to have to get involved this quickly. I would guess he is thinking (remember when the Pres used to do that) about the best course of action.
01-29-2017 , 05:13 PM
Truly hard to comprehend. Jared Kushners grandmother was a refugee and now he is a part of the administration banning refugees.
01-29-2017 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Well another thing lost in all this is Trump filed for reelection in 2020 on his Inauguration Day. Nobody ever does this before mid-terms. Obama filed in April 2011 for the 2012 election.

The benefit for trump is he is labeled as a candidate and campaigning which limits what non-profits and charities can say about him. This was clearly a move to stifle funded dissent of his presidency.
I've heard this a few times now. Sounds like an awful law, can't imagine it plays out like that. Center would not hold there.
01-29-2017 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
I can't believe I have to go through these one by one to talk you off your ledge.

No tax returns

Tax returns are not a constitutional required check and balance on the Executive branch. The President has filled out his legally required financial disclosure forms.
Here is the link:

Before you ask, sure, I think Trump should have released them. But I don't care.


Trump has divested his individually owned stocks.

His cabinet has also divested.



Literally Google "Name" divestment and "Name" financial disclosures. It's all there. In the Cyber. I'm sorry you live in your bubble and don't have access to all these websites in the Cyber.

Not a single Republican standing up to him?

McCain on Trump and Putin

McConnell on Trump and minorities

The most amount of EO as President?

You're confusing executive ORDERS with executive ACTIONS (or Proclamations). Again, fake news from your bubble adds these together to make big ole mean Trump seem so bad.
Obama had more executive ORDERS. Most of Trump's are executive ACTIONS. Which legally mean nothing. Trump can issue an executive action that PROCLAIMS he has the largest Presidential Penis. It doesn't ****ing matter. He has a similar number of executive orders as Obama.

Calling the 4th Estate the opposition?

Trump didn't say that. His advisor did. Who ****ing cares. It doesn't matter if his advisor calls the press his "supporters" either. The press is free to report on whatever they want.

Forcing the Press Secretary to lie?

The Press Secretary can always resign if he doesn't believe in what he has to spew. Trump isn't blackmailing him to be the Press Secretary.

So there you go.

Calm yourself down. Go for a walk. It's been a week and Trump hasn't nuked us all to Armageddon yet. Maybe you'll realize that spending your free time perusing far-left media has triggered you into believing we're 30 seconds from Nazi Germany. But we're not. I assure you.

Eat all the dicks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
01-29-2017 , 05:19 PM
X-positng from sport-atics.

Good article by Chait arguing that Trump is a more of a death rattle than sign of things to come:

"Some liberal journalists have greeted each new Trump action by solemnly insisting that we “take him literally” and that he will do what he says. But what exactly should we take literally? His promise to provide terrific health insurance that covers everybody, at lower cost? Forcing Mexico to pay for the wall? Resuscitating the declining coal industry? The complete eradication of Islamic terrorism? The most competent president would not achieve these goals. And Trump is a political amateur who has surrounded himself with other political amateurs. He will wreak a fearful toll on this country before he is finished, but the assumption that Trump will “do” what he promises extends him credit he does not deserve.

The argument of my new book is that Trump (who was an important character in it even before the election) represents the death rattle of a declining vision of American retrenchment, and Obama represents the future. The civic values our grandchildren will celebrate and be taught in schools will be Obama’s, not Trump’s. American history in punctuated with horrors. Yet the reality that life in the United States is better – more affluent and more egalitarian – than it was 50 years ago, and 50 years ago it was better than 50 years before that, at which point it was better than a half century before."
01-29-2017 , 05:19 PM
Slate's Trumpcast on Friday had a great forum with David Remnick, Jacob Weisberg and others on Trump and the media. It's interesting in its own right, but the issue that kept cropping up--which is I think THE issue--is how can one educate Trump voters to see what a lying buffoon he is, completely out of step with American norms and values.

I remember when I was like 12 arguing with my grandma over Reagan, with me saying he was great. I was smart, even at 12, but I was completely uninformed and didn't really have a "news diet," much less a history, public policy, or philosophy diet. By the end of high school I was reading a bunch, including the LA Times and New Republic, and I realized I was just shallow and uninformed when I had had that argument (which probably lasted 5 minutes) years before. My world view hadn't radically changed, it had just grown deeper and more nuanced, with more empathy.

What I see from Trumpers is mainly less smart versions of myself who, while they may be 25 or 75, are basically clueless (which an assist to Fox, etc.) about the actual facts of things like being more likely to be killed by an armed toddler than a foreign terrorist. Sure, some are hardcore racists or delusional or lack any empathy, but most are just uninformed. So, as I see it, the issue is how to get 20-40% of Trump supporters to jump on the information bandwagon.
01-29-2017 , 05:20 PM
While Federalist Society (US conservative legal society--the legal society for nonconservativesis called "passing the bar") members are, as a group, not overly bright and ultimately have a theologically-oriented worldview (like most conservatives), most are "establishment" types. Trump has never actually convinced the GOP establishment--much less the GOP lawyer establishment--they just keep their mouth shut because they need the support of Trumps' voters or, if not elected, are trying to ride the Trump gravy train.

Thing is, these considerations don't apply to federal judges appointed for life. I would expect Trump to have a much rougher time even with Bush-appointed judges than almost any other republican President. The Congress may be spineless and hoping to use Trump for their legislative ends, but he's going to have a really rough go of things with the judiciary. As far as I can tell, he's now 0-5 with judges on the immigration order, and it's not going to be much easier on other issues.

Also, keep in mind that "conservative" judges have a tendency to become a good deal more liberal after being confirmed and once they have to make arguments, in writing, to support their judgments - this doesn't only apply to judges on the Supreme Court.

Last edited by simplicitus; 01-29-2017 at 05:26 PM.
01-29-2017 , 05:20 PM
Donald J Trump is bringing Jesus Christ back to the White House! He was right with me, helping me make the decision to refuse any more refugees. He agrees with everything, believe me. We are #MAGA together!
01-29-2017 , 05:21 PM
01-29-2017 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
What is anyone best guess at what movie he is watching?
triumph of the will
01-29-2017 , 05:30 PM
01-29-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
I think THE issue--is how can one educate Trump voters to see what a lying buffoon he is, completely out of step with American norms and values.
I'm getting resigned to the fact that "you can't fix stupid". There's a reason why Trump loves the poorly-educated. "Just build a wall". "Just bomb ISIS".
"Just ban immigrants". "Just do it". It's a philosophy they're comfortable with. They see things in simple terms and Trump plays into that. I think converting them is a difficult goal.

I think there are a lot of people, especially young people who are so caught up in their own world that they seldom check in on the larger world. We need to get them off their phones for a minute and into the voting booths. In short, outnumber the Trumpkins.
01-29-2017 , 05:36 PM
Twas for ever and ever we've been trying and failing to get the young to vote in numbers. We should probably tell them it's a protest.
01-29-2017 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by th14
Nazi family portrait.
