Originally Posted by suzzer99
Don't you have a cloud to yell at?
Most people in their 20s are still trying to figure out who they are. It's all they can do to find their way in a confusing world - much less think about shaping that world in some way. I know plenty of 20-somethings who are smart and motivated, but just haven't gotten their heads above water enough to start thinking about politics yet. Agreed Trump has been a splash of cold water for them on that.
A cloud to yell at? I'm a 35 year old degree holding ultra-liberal living in NYC, not a suburban angry old man on a porch.
It doesn't require a ton of thought to show up twice a year, between primary and general election days, for what might be a couple of hours each time at most, and possibly only mere minutes if one lives in a state that has a good voting system in place. It requires not being lazy. And there's plenty of information out there in the Internet age for them to consume in order to make a decision.
Hell, in early 2016 a mid-20's college grad, even if they weren't politically informed or didn't care all that much, could simply have thought in terms of the better choice for equality and diversity, looked at a list consisting of:
(A) one of Hillary Clinton / Bernie Sanders
(B) one of Donald Trump / Ted Cruz / John Kasich / Marco Rubio
and made a pretty easy decision of (A) after about a half hour's worth of research.
There's no good excuse to not vote. If people under 30 voted in the numbers they should, we don't have President Trump now. Remember, his margin in three swing states was a combined 78K votes, or 190K votes if you throw FL in.