Originally Posted by simplicitus
This raise is surely going to scare dems off their hand:
"The White House, under internal pressure to show legislative achievements ahead of the 100-day mark, is gearing up for a government shutdown fight to secure money for a border wall, more immigration enforcement officers and a bigger military, according to White House and congressional sources familiar with the plan.
It is a risky gambit. With almost uniform Democratic opposition to nearly all of the Trump administration's spending proposals, the fight could lead to a government shutdown next Friday — the day government spending expires, and right before the 100th day of Donald Trump's presidency. Officials could also strike a one-week compromise, giving them more time for a broader agreement.
Congressional Republicans, desperately looking to avoid a shutdown scare, are eyeing a modest increase for border security — perhaps an increase in funding for surveillance technology — and a small uptick in military spending. But two senior White House officials say they want a bigger win out of the fight, and an important deadline might help."
Man, the optics of a government shutdown at the 100-day mark are going to be wild and crazy. The 100th day is the kind of thing that even non-political people will be aware of, and it will be Trump standing in front of a raging dumpster fire saying, "Nothing to see here! It's all going exactly according to plan! America has been made great again!"
This sounds like the fusion of "run government like a business, can't fail" management style. It's like every 'clever' project management or consultant working on a project that has oversold on budget and overpromised on features or product or whatever. So when push comes to shove and everyone realizes the project will be out of money long before anyone can deliver on the exaggerated promises, the project manager(s) will often sit in a room together and brainstorm just the cleverest ideas to make magic happen and get it done.
And at the end of the day they realize the only trick they have is to get people to somehow work harder/faster but with precisely no leverage, they have no idea how to actually make that happen either. So the solution is almost always, without fail -- the magical NEW MILESTONE DEADLINE: "Uh, yeah, we're gonna need you to wrap up literally all R&D, development, Q&A and documentation by the new DELIVERABLE MILESTONE OF DELIVERY" that management has asked for, this is really important to the project!"
Predictably hardly anyone ever falls for these false-urgency bull**** tactic things and the project fails anyway but it's like the go-to tool in the incompetent management toolbox.
Anyway, back to this story: you can tell a lot of the guys in the White House probably come from the middle management school of utter bull**** and think "an important deadline might help" through sheer force of will and their own wish-fulfillment. Congress is dumb but they aren't that dumb. Deadlines can work in business because time is money and finishing work and getting products to market or whatever is what everyone is incentivized to do. What do most of the GOP Congress give a **** about this deadline? Most of them are totally shielded from the downstream negatives and what Trump is presenting is way worse. What do they give a **** about a new deadline? How did that change the incentives for them at all?
This threat is toothless and everyone knows it. The threat here is basically do what the Trump Admin wants before the budget expires, the new magical deadline where if its missed, most of the downside risk resides with the Trump Administration. It's literally do what the Trump Admin wants or else the Trump Administration will self-immolate and make themselves more unpopular than they already are.