Originally Posted by Clovis8
You are a trumpkin, so by definition immune to reason and base all support on racism only, so this response is not for you but others in this forum.
A simple google search shows constitutional scholars are convinced the ban violates the First Ammendment by instituting a religious test and the Fifth Ammendment by ignoring due process.
As far as I know non US citizens are not given the same rights as US citizens, and I can tell you from experience that even US Citizens do have not have full Constitutional rights when entering the country.
Are you capable of making arguments without resorting to personal attacks?
If you going to say that people in the administration should be jailed you be able to back it up. Just because a 'Constitutional Scholar' says that an executive order is unconstitutional does not mean that members of the
executive branch that ordered it should or will be held criminally liable.