Originally Posted by einbert
So yes, Clinton probably would have waged war on ISIS. But the difference is Trump has declared war on billions of Muslim people all over the world--all Muslim people. He has singled them out as the enemy by attempting to ban all Muslims from the United States and banning refugees from countries that are being terrorized by ISIS and other militant groups. It goes to show you that whenever Republicans complain about the values of the Islamic world, they only mean that as a justification for going on a full-on Holy War against those people. They don't have any intention of helping people get out of a bad situation at all.
All of this plus...
...there is no indication that Trump has any idea what he is doing. He clearly doesn't understand the complexities and nuances of foreign policy/diplomacy (lol "diplomacy" with Trump). He's a button-masher. He thinks, "ISIS is bad, so I have to bomb them." His opinions change daily and not because he has studied or tried to learn about the multitudes of factors, history, and people involved in foreign issues, but because he saw something on TV or someone told him to do something because it would look good.
Someone probably told him to bomb Syria because it would look good, but he has no clue as to what the ramifications of the attack are. He has no idea how or why to get involved. A few days ago, someone posted a video of Obama explaining his thoughts on Syria. He understood why he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't and how his decisions either way could both help and cause more problems. He educated himself and used critical thinking to come up with informed opinions and decisions.
Trump does none of this. Whether or not one thinks that attacks on Syria and Afghanistan were the right thing to do, they were only done because Trump was playing President, not because he understood what he was actually doing.