Originally Posted by wheatrich
Estes won by about 6%.
I think this is a bit overblown as it's dems who are motivated and R's not this go around when it's usually the opposite (there's zero guarantee people will still feel like this in 18 when things start getting normalized) but as long as they get some moderates off the trump bandwagon as a result, that'll impede things even more on the congressional level.
Pompeo won by about 31 percent. That's a 25 point swing. If they hold one third of that swing nationwide in '18, it flips the House even with the gerrymandering.
Put another way, they took an R +15 district down to a six-point margin. That's 9 points off the Cook PVI. If they won all of the seats at R+9 or lower, they'd take the House 298-137.
Obviously it's not going to be that drastic, but this bodes really well for our previously slim hopes of taking back the House in 2018 despite the gerrymandering.