Originally Posted by ye90
2nd and 3rd reason are not valid because that's just your opinion.
That's arguable. By the time Obama sought approval for strikes in Syria, he had five years on the job and thus had a track record of how he handled foreign matters. Also, there are still articles to this day that explain how he would never take military action without knowing the post-strike plan, and how we get out. I believe he talked about not getting involved in the Middle East without an exit plan during his campaign. So it's my opinion, sure, but it's based on plenty of facts.
Originally Posted by markksman
That this Syria stuff erases the realities of real influence and collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign and Administration is the worst take. You would have to not understand anything about the Russian accusations nor anything about Syria to reach such a conclusion.
Exactly. Now I'm not saying it proves a conspiracy, but if you were Putin and Trump, and you both wanted the US sanctions on Russia lifted, what would be the easiest way to do it? Create a conflict, negotiate a peace deal of some kind out of it, and lift the sanctions in the process. At this point, that's one of a few possibilities.