Originally Posted by bundy5
Huh - but you lefties supported Obama in his military strikes against Syria but here, where there is a clear reason for another strike (being the chemical attack that occurred on the Syrian people that either the the Syrian government was behind or supported), you don't support it??
Once more with Russia apparently having military equipment at the air base in Syria and the US still giving it the go ahead, I thought you blokes would be happy that this shows that the Trump administration and the Putin reign aren't all that close after all...
At the risk of responding to someone who is trolling, there are some major differences, among them:
1. Obama was looking to get Congressional approval, Trump did not.
2. I trust Obama not to stumble into a quagmire in the Middle East; I feel the opposite way about Trump.
3. I have faith in Obama's ability to understand the complexity and nuances of the conflict in Syria, but not Trump.
As for the Russia stuff, I don't think we should draw any conclusions just yet. This thing could very easily lead to all of the sanctions on Russia being lifted, which would not support your narrative.