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Paul Manafort: Guilty on 8 Charges, No Verdict on 10 Paul Manafort: Guilty on 8 Charges, No Verdict on 10

08-06-2018 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
tricky ricky gates on the stand rn
08-06-2018 , 05:01 PM
08-06-2018 , 05:25 PM
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time (unless you can flip on your superior).
08-06-2018 , 09:13 PM

Rick Gates Testifies He Committed Crimes With Paul Manafort
Mr. Gates sat somber-faced, never glancing at Mr. Manafort, who glared in his direction. Asked by prosecutors whether he was involved in any criminal activity with Mr. Manafort, Mr. Gates responded, “Yes.”

He acknowledged his own wrongdoing and, speaking rapidly, testified that he knew about what the prosecutors allege is a multiyear tax and bank fraud scheme by Mr. Manafort because “I was the one who helped organize the paperwork.”

Mr. Gates testified that he and Mr. Manafort held 15 foreign bank accounts that were not disclosed to the federal government. He said the required financial filings were not submitted “at Mr. Manafort’s direction.”
08-06-2018 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Juries pick up on **** like this. Manafort’s attorneys should really have advised him not to do that.
08-06-2018 , 09:33 PM
08-06-2018 , 11:30 PM
Has this been posted yet?

08-07-2018 , 12:09 AM
08-07-2018 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
fwiw a lotta lib lawyer types on the twitter have nothing but nice things to say about this judge, the consensus appears to be that he's just weird like that but otherwise aight

I guess we'll see
I wonder what they would make of this:

Based on the reporting, Judge Ellis doesn't exactly seem like the most impartial jurist around.
08-07-2018 , 02:01 AM
08-07-2018 , 08:47 AM
This ****ing judge is infuriating. Scolded the prosecutor for not looking at him! What a POS, god institutional authority sucks.

78 year old white male Reagan appointee, of course.
08-07-2018 , 11:27 AM
Yeah let's make sure to give ****sticks like that guy lifetime appointments.
08-07-2018 , 11:29 AM
I recently rewatched "The Verdict" and this judge seems exactly like that judge. I'm not sure what all the lawyer talking-heads are seeing in this guy that they find noble.
08-07-2018 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
This ****ing judge is infuriating. Scolded the prosecutor for not looking at him! What a POS, god institutional authority sucks.

78 year old white male Reagan appointee, of course.
Seriously WTF is this judge doing?

Andres complained that Ellis was blocking him from asking important questions while placing an emphasis on moving quickly at the bank- and tax-fraud trial of Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman. Ellis disagreed, saying he wasn’t emphasizing speed over substance. The judge continued that delay is unnecessary, and prosecutors should stick to the relevant evidence.

What follows is taken from the transcript:

“Look at me when you’re talking to me,’’ Ellis said to Andres.

“I’m sorry, judge, I was,’’ Andres said.

“No, you weren’t,’’ Ellis said. “You were looking down.’’

“Because I don’t want to get in trouble for some facial expression,’’ the prosecutor said. “I don’t want to get yelled at again by the court for having some facial expression when I’m not doing anything wrong, but trying my case.’’

Ellis said to another prosecutor: “You must be quiet.’’

“I’m sorry, judge,’’ Andres said.

Tensions at the Paul Manafort fraud trial grew so heated Monday that the judge suggested that one of Robert Mueller’s prosecutors was crying during a discussion out of the jury’s earshot, according to a transcript of the proceedings.

“I understand how frustrated you are,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said during the discussion. “In fact, there’s tears in your eyes right now.’’

When Prosecutor Greg Andres protested that he didn’t have tears in his eyes, the judge shot back: “Well, they’re watery.”
08-07-2018 , 11:37 AM
Manafort is drawing very, very live to walking on this, isn't he? This judge seems absurdly biased.
08-07-2018 , 11:48 AM
Just a huge lol to all the lawyers defending this guy on twitter. One of the worst things about lawyers is their desperation to present their profession as being both noble and complex. It is usually neither.
08-07-2018 , 11:56 AM
Judges like this aren’t even that uncommon. I’ve appeared in front of several like this during my career. Something about being a judge sometimes attracts this type of person and also brings out the worst in this type of person.
08-07-2018 , 11:57 AM
All that matters is whether this crap is happenning outside the presence of the jury or not. Some of the reporting indicates that at least some of it is happenning outside their presence.
08-07-2018 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
I recently rewatched "The Verdict" and this judge seems exactly like that judge. I'm not sure what all the lawyer talking-heads are seeing in this guy that they find noble.
Slightly flawed, but my favorite lawyer movie. Newman is fantastic. Jack Warden is perfect. James Mason also great as "the prince of ****ing darkness" opposition lawyer. Roger Ebert's review:
08-07-2018 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Slightly flawed, but my favorite lawyer movie. Newman is fantastic. Jack Warden is perfect. James Mason also great as "the prince of ****ing darkness" opposition lawyer. Roger Ebert's review:
Something struck me when I rewatched over the weekend, tell me if you agree: It seems like "The Rainmaker" lifted a huge chunk of its court plotline (the parts where the lawyers dealt with the first judge especially) straight from "The Verdict."

And yeah, it's a little flawed and it certainly hasn't aged that well, but it's still a fantastic flick. It was released in 1982 but is fully a 1970s flick in both look and feel.
08-07-2018 , 01:58 PM
I haven't seen The Rainmaker. Will try to stream it this week sometime.

Interesting to me, in the comments of Ebert's review, they discuss the last scene in Verdict. Ebert thought Newman was drinking whiskey. That's what I thought too but it makes more sense if it's coffee.
08-07-2018 , 02:01 PM
Yes definitely watch Rainmaker. Or just read the book (it's based on a Grisham novel). That scene came from the book so maybe Grisham gets the blame. They are VERY similar. Not the whole thing mind you, just the bits dealing with the first judge.
08-07-2018 , 05:27 PM
i definitely will withhold overall judgment until the trial is over, but it does seem like the judge is trying to keep the trial as focused as possible to rule out any chance of "political witch hunt" charges creeping in.

Like, he admonished the prosecution for bringing up the Ukraine lobbying or whatever. While illegal in the way Manafort did it, if the trial isn't about that then yeah, the prosecution might be better served ignoring that stuff.

Still seems like he's a huge a-hole
08-07-2018 , 05:27 PM

rick gates: i stole a bunch of money from my boss

me: that's bad

rick gates: but my boss was scamming corrupt oligarchs

me: ok

rick gates: and i spent it all having fun

me: that's actually pretty cool
08-07-2018 , 05:51 PM

Glad she testified but I can only muster a whomp, whomp.
