Originally Posted by iversonian
Cmon, you have to admit, Ron Paul really stunk it up tonight. Every answer ended with, "...and we don't HAVE that kind of money, since we're fighting wars all over the world and we have to borrow $10b from China..." This guy doesn't seem to be up to task for the big stage. Up against guys like Romney (Bain CEO), Giuliani (prosecutor), Huckabee (preacher), and Thompson (lawyer), he seems way overmatched on the verbal acuity department.
No, I didn't forget about McCain.
You are completely right. Paul's message in Romney's body (maybe minus the newsletters?) would be a nearly unstoppable force. I said in a post earlier and so have many others that he rambles and stumbles and is very unpolished. While this might appeal to a small percentage of people it is one of the defining characteristics that keeps him from doing better in the polls.
And he was particularly bad with that tonight, FWIW, minus his last answer about China-Musharaff-etc.