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Obamacare Goes to Court Obamacare Goes to Court

04-03-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
That's how all health insurance works though, bro, regardless of whether it's government-based or private like in the USA. The healthy people in a pool pay the costs of the people who get sick. In fact, it's how just about all other social services work. Do you favor redistributing wealth from people whose houses don't catch on fire to pay for the firefighting for those that do? What about redistributing from people who are never crime victims to pay for the police to service those who are? It's the only way to make the systems work.
I think the distinction between governmental redistribution and private redistribution is important. I am in favor of virtually every form of private redistribution that people choose to engage in. I am in favor of fewer forms of governmental redistribution. To answer your questions directly, firefighting and police services have characteristics of public goods that make me think they might be better provided by governments than markets, but I'm not sure. Preferring that the government provide certain services needn't commit one to preferring that governments provide every service, though.

What about you? Do you think the difference between governmental redistribution and private redistribution matters at all?
04-03-2012 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Nevermind that we're already redistributing from responsible people to irresponsible people by letting uninsured sick people get all the life-saving treatment that they need for free. That's just capitalism. Or as Scalia would put it - "then stop treating the uninsured".
Repeal EMTALA! ;-P
04-03-2012 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
Would you please read my response to Jonas and tell me if you think rationing occurs in the French health care system that causes some people to be denied a certain quantity/quality of care that they might otherwise demand in a system somehow void of a rationing mechanism?
Where is this hypothetical system devoid of a "rationing" mechanism that ye speak of? Just so we are comparing the same baseline.
04-03-2012 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
The what now?
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.

Originally Posted by Low Key
seriously, wtf is it with people and acronyms lately? Can I just answer with a random string of letters and assume you know what it means?
Sorry, I assumed if you didn't know what it meant that you would google it.

Originally Posted by Low Key
I'll ignore the first part because it's already been refuted and address the second part which was rightly ignored.
I would appreciate your pointing me to where "the first part" (I'm not sure what this refers to) was refuted.

Originally Posted by Low Key
I said they are not charged for the service, and that's accurate: they don't walk out and get billed. In a system of socialized medicine, the understanding is that taxes pay for it. I should amend that statement to include 'adults with reasonable understandings of reality' because it seems only the most absurd posters feel the need to delineate from any point to nit on about their health care isn't free.

Does everyone else get all nitty when someone says Obamacare and have to derail the thread until people call it the Affordable Care Act or at least ACA? No, because, again, reasonable adults know what is being discussed, they know the meanings of things without pointlessly nitting up the conversation to score some partisan points that only matter in their own minds.
I think there is an important difference between saying "they are not charged for the service" and "they are taxed for the service" that does not exist when one chooses between saying "Obamacare" or "the PPACA." You are free to disagree, but unless you can make a more compelling case than this, I don't think you will change my mind.

Imagine if, instead of "Obamacare," people began to call it "the health care plan designed and passed by Rick Santorum, along with a Republican Congress." Would you object to this phrasing, even if "adults with reasonable understandings of reality" realized that it referred to the PPACA?
04-03-2012 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
End all group plans now, healthy people pay more than their actuarial risk. **** the sick.
Do you really think that those who favor the policy you're mocking here have no compassion for the sick? If you do, I think you should strongly consider the possibility that you have a malformed view of a great many people.
04-03-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
I think the distinction between governmental redistribution and private redistribution is important. I am in favor of virtually every form of private redistribution that people choose to engage in. I am in favor of fewer forms of governmental redistribution. To answer your questions directly, firefighting and police services have characteristics of public goods that make me think they might be better provided by governments than markets, but I'm not sure. Preferring that the government provide certain services needn't commit one to preferring that governments provide every service, though.

What about you? Do you think the difference between governmental redistribution and private redistribution matters at all?

Scale, bra, scale. Private provision of ANYTHING is dwarfed by government, and in most cases polluted by rents, monopolies, and profits. Do you WANT to go back to 1920s medicine? Drop Medicare and public employee insurance from any hospital and watch it go bankrupt the next month. We all want longer, healthier lives, except maybe Lirva aspiring for marijuana induced early-onset emphysema. I would prefer it had the most access for the lowest cost focused on optimal ooutcomes. There is no way to negotiate person to person, group to group, and achieve an efficient, scalable outcome without the authority and finance of the gubmint.
04-03-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
I said they took an oath to the Constitution. I believe their judgments are based on how they interpret the Constitution. I believe that while the justicies interpret the Constitution differently, they are not ruling on their political beliefs.

Do you not think sometimes physicians are disgusted that they have to care for gun-shot wound victims even though they are scum? Yet you don't hear about vigilante physicians poisoning inner-city ethnic hoodlums. Just like the physicans take their Oath seriously, I'm sure the Supreme Court justices do as well.
Thats what they teach in Sunday School and Fifth grade US History. Those guys who **** at the mouth talking about oaths and duty end up losing dog-catcher races to the mayor's illegitimate minority children.
04-03-2012 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Basically either you turn people away at hospitals, even if they're dying, and hope they make their way to a charity that will serve them before they die (good luck with that in already dirt poor areas) or you pool risk one way or another. We currently pool risk just in the most retarted inefficient way possible.
This is an excellent framing of the tradeoff here and explains much about why we see such moralistic and virulent disagreement on the issue of which choice we should make. Compassion vs karma.

Go to 22:20.
04-03-2012 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
If Low Key's description of health care in France is accurate, then this is evidence that French citizens are denied care because of rationing. The thing to understand here is that there exists a necessary tradeoff between quantity and quality, assuming fixed resources are devoted to a good or service. Everyone may have access to the "first floor" of health care, but they are denied access to the second, unless they can pay. The advantages of the second floor over the first are understood to be "quicker access or more cushy environs, better service," etc. On the first floor, governmental/bureaucratic decision-making rations health care, with the effect that users are denied quicker access and better doctors. On the second floor, prices ration health care, with the effect that users are denied access to services they cannot pay for.

I am not at this point making any claim about either system of rationing being superior to the other. I am interested, however, in helping you to understand that rationing is an unavoidable aspect of any economic system. Does what I've said so far make sense, or do I need to go over anything again?
In France you get treatment. You SEE a doctor, even if you can't get to the hospital, they come to your goddamn house in a Prius. You don't go to a US emergency room and wait 3 hours with a rusty nail in your prostate. Health care money is spent on health care, not 8 figure bonuses, fancy waiting rooms, alimony for 4 wives, or lobbying Congress. Ask a median income frenchie if they want French health care or American?
04-03-2012 , 04:10 PM
I had private insurance and was told I'd have to wait 5 months for hernia surgery. Didn't think it was any big deal since I wasn't in pain and had been living with it for a while anyway. Which is basically the same thing that happens in Canada, France, etc.

But oh man someone somewhere in the US on a Cadillac plan or who's willing to pay cash can get their hernia surgery now! Clearly we have the superior system.
04-03-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Ask a median income frenchie if they want French health care or American?
Or ask a Medicare recipient if they want Medicare or to buy their own private insurance. Or ask a VA patient if he would rather keep his VA benefits or buy his own private insurance.
04-03-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I had private insurance and was told I'd have to wait 5 months for hernia surgery. Didn't think it was any big deal since I wasn't in pain and had been living with it for a while anyway. Which is basically the same thing that happens in Canada, France, etc.

But oh man someone somewhere in the US on a Cadillac plan or who's willing to pay cash can get their hernia surgery now! Clearly we have the superior system.
Do we want to know how you got the hernia?
04-03-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
Would you please read my response to Jonas and tell me if you think rationing occurs in the French health care system that causes some people to be denied a certain quantity/quality of care that they might otherwise demand in a system somehow void of a rationing mechanism?
What is that other system without that rationing mechanism?
04-03-2012 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Do we want to know how you got the hernia?
Genetics? My dad had the same thing. It's just an opening in your muscle wall that your innards push through - doesn't have to come from any action.
04-03-2012 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You simply cannot help but be condescending and patronizing in every single post you make can you?
Consciousness and the self are epiphenomena, no more capable of giving rise to free wills than a rock or tree. If it were true that every single post I made was condescending/patronizing, then it would also be true that I couldn't help it. I dispute the premise though.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
Do you understand what I just said or do I need to explain myself more simply and clearly?
I think I understand. You're mad because you think I have an inappropriately high opinion of myself and would like to knock me down a peg or two. Is that about right?

Originally Posted by suzzer99
I mean seriously what is the point of that last little bitchy paragraph?
I'm sorry you thought it was bitchy. I just wanted to make sure that the person I was talking to understood what I'd said.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
Are you so afraid to simply let your argument stand on its own that you always need to passively aggressively attack the intelligence of your debate adversary?
I'm afraid you've misunderstood my intention. As I insinuated in the paragraph I think you're referring to, I don't see myself as "arguing" for a position any more than an elementary school teacher "argues" that 2 + 2 = 4 to a class full of five-year-olds. You can learn from me or not, but whether you do or don't has no bearing on whether what I'm saying is correct.

I don't expect this explanation will make you like me any more, but hopefully it will at least help you to understand the mindset I have when adopting the attitude that so offends you.
04-03-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
If "rationing is an unavoidable aspect of any economic system" then what is the ****ing point of even bringing it up?
Low Key made an assertion which caused me to suspect that he might not understand this.

Originally Posted by Low Key
Health care in France:

Two floor building. First floor - health care for the masses. Anyone can use it, no charge to them.
It's possible that no such misunderstanding was going on, but I thought it worth a few moments to make sure.
04-03-2012 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I had private insurance and was told I'd have to wait 5 months for hernia surgery. Didn't think it was any big deal since I wasn't in pain and had been living with it for a while anyway. Which is basically the same thing that happens in Canada, France, etc.

But oh man someone somewhere in the US on a Cadillac plan or who's willing to pay cash can get their hernia surgery now! Clearly we have the superior system.
Yeah, and I'm sure the multimillionaire canadian/frenchie/german/swede is going to be slumming it in line with the poor people waiting for his hernia surgery, damn UHC! what's the point of even being rich?
04-03-2012 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Maybe Spladle needs to draw you a pretty picture since you are obviously just not getting it. Please bear with him though, it's hard for him sometimes to effectively communicate with people so obviously beneath his level of intellect. Imagine if you were trying to get a point across to a bunch of chimps that know sign language. That is often what Spladle feels like trying to explain things to us herp derpers.
It's not hard for me to understand why you consider yourself a liberal. Displays of dominance and authority offend you, don't they? I don't mean to suggest that this is a bad thing. A society composed entirely of people with the same moral palate would be unimaginably dull, I think. That or unmitigated chaos.
04-03-2012 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mikita0
Vested interests are losing what's theirs to poors ldo.
I would make the same comment to you that I made to suzzer99. Do you really think that those who favor the policy you oppose are primarily motivated by self-interest rather than an honest assessment of what's best for society? If so, I think you should strongly consider the possibility that you have a malformed view of a great many people.
04-03-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Where is this hypothetical system devoid of a "rationing" mechanism that ye speak of? Just so we are comparing the same baseline.
I don't think there is one, which was kind of my point. The only way you can get rid of rationing is if you get rid of scarcity. suzzer99 appeared to be implying that he did not think any French citizens were denied care because of rationing. This is an outrageously stupid belief, obviously, so I just wanted to make sure that he did not actually believe it.
04-03-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
I assume you favor the repeal of EMTALA, yeah? =P
I'm in favor of repealing non-sequiturs in the politics forum

Are you in favor of repealing band-aids?

Originally Posted by Spladle
Any books/links you could point to that you think might change my mind?
You don't strike me as the kind of person who lets new or accurate information shape your positions. See below:

Originally Posted by Spladle
If Low Key's description of health care in France is accurate, then this is evidence that French citizens are denied care because of rationing. The thing to understand here is that there exists a necessary tradeoff between quantity and quality, assuming fixed resources are devoted to a good or service. Everyone may have access to the "first floor" of health care, but they are denied access to the second, unless they can pay. The advantages of the second floor over the first are understood to be "quicker access or more cushy environs, better service," etc. On the first floor, governmental/bureaucratic decision-making rations health care, with the effect that users are denied quicker access and better doctors. On the second floor, prices ration health care, with the effect that users are denied access to services they cannot pay for.

I am not at this point making any claim about either system of rationing being superior to the other. I am interested, however, in helping you to understand that rationing is an unavoidable aspect of any economic system. Does what I've said so far make sense, or do I need to go over anything again?
The evidence that the french are denied health care is that they are never denied health care.

Ok.. I'm not sure how to even approach this on any level that would get a person who thinks this to possibly consider changing their minds.
04-03-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Scale, bra, scale. Private provision of ANYTHING is dwarfed by government, and in most cases polluted by rents, monopolies, and profits.
Am I to understand, then, that you consider yourself a socialist?

Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Do you WANT to go back to 1920s medicine?
Not in the slightest, but that is more due to the technological advances that have been made since that time than because of a belief in the superiority of the delivery method we have come to use.

Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Drop Medicare and public employee insurance from any hospital and watch it go bankrupt the next month.
If I told you that this would be a good thing, what would your immediate reaction be? Do you consider that possibility completely unthinkable, or are you able to compose an argument for it, albeit one you may not agree with?

Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
We all want longer, healthier lives, except maybe Lirva aspiring for marijuana induced early-onset emphysema. I would prefer it had the most access for the lowest cost focused on optimal ooutcomes.
Exactly! If you agree that we all want the same thing, then what are some conclusions that can be drawn from the observation that people disagree very vehemently about how best to obtain that thing?

Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
There is no way to negotiate person to person, group to group, and achieve an efficient, scalable outcome without the authority and finance of the gubmint.
You may be right about this. I'm not sure your confidence is warranted though. Can you outline the counterargument to this claim, or are you unaware that one exists?
04-03-2012 , 04:46 PM
The more i see US conservatives general disinterest and or completely ignoring how the rest of the developed world can provide a respectable level of healthcare to all citizens while doing it significantly cheaper than the US - I'm reminded of the behavioral economic studies where they show that people would rather make significantly less income but more than the people they know, then make significantly more but less than the people they know.
04-03-2012 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
Low Key made an assertion which caused me to suspect that he might not understand this.

It's possible that no such misunderstanding was going on, but I thought it worth a few moments to make sure.
The two statements: "Healthcare rationing exists everywhere, even in France" and "Everyone in France is entitled to and receives upon demand X level of basic healthcare" are not mutually exclusive. I don't see that Low Key stated otherwise in his post. In fact, reading his post it appears as though he is actually acknowledging the notion that health care, at least on some level, is rationed in France. But you did a good job of beating the living **** out of that strawman so kudos are appropriately extended.

Last edited by Namath12; 04-03-2012 at 04:59 PM.
04-03-2012 , 04:56 PM
Spladle ladies and gentlemen
