Originally Posted by sekrah
These are your important issues in your life? Creationism, Abortion, and Guns? Wow.
i dont want that bull**** taught to my kids when they are in school. Just like you wouldnt want me to turn on homosexual pornography in the presence of your children.
abortion is a huge issue not to me personally, but to humanity. Taking away abortion completely is a disaster, do you know how many women are raped in this country?
yes, i live in philadelphia, league leaders in shooting people dead most years. Guns = bad = people die....canada = no guns = not nearly as many people die. hmmmmmm.
also. to counter your argument about the left would have been mad regardless of who mccain picked. Wrong, we would be much less offended with lieberman, hell even romney is less offensive then this far right radical extremist sarah palin. Shes dangerous, and 1 heart beat away from presidency if you guys win, il pass thanks.