I'm opening up an Iboga import business using slave labour in Africa. People will consider me such a humanitarian for curing their drug addiction and the ills it causes, that I can convince them of the benefits of dictatorship with me as dictator, and destroy AC land from within.
Basically, is doing a course in political philosophy a good idea? Compared to an A level in politics, political philosophy is appealing and would look good on my CV, even if I'm only teaching English to Johnny Foreigner.
I have also found a possibly site for AC land. In an american news broadcast from a major network, the newscaster had behind him/herself an outline of North America with an unusual continent 1000 miles to the west. I kid you not. I suggest you blow up your dingies, paddle out, drop anchor and wait for catastropic natural disaster for this continent to rise from the seas. Just hope it isn't covered in plastic dumped in to the ocean.
I have also found a possibly site for AC land. In an american news broadcast from a major network, the newscaster had behind him/herself an outline of North America with an unusual continent 1000 miles to the west. I kid you not. I suggest you blow up your dingies, paddle out, drop anchor and wait for catastropic natural disaster for this continent to rise from the seas. Just hope it isn't covered in plastic dumped in to the ocean.
A spectrum auction is a process whereby a government uses an auction system to sell the rights to transmit signals over specific electromagnetic wavelengths. A spectrum auction will usually last several weeks from the opening bid to the final winning bid.
i asked this in another thread, but can one of you many fine proponents of AC explain to me how rights wrt to the EM spectrum and whatnot would work?
for the record the recent auction earlier in the year raised ~20B for rights to a portion of the spectrum
it is just a litttttle bit important for technology
Property rights in the airwaves were being sorted out in an orderly fashion via the libertarian philosophy of homesteading, until the federal government nationalized the airwaves at the behest of the navy for reasons of "national security".