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Nationalism: Do You Actually Think America is Better Than Other Countries? Nationalism: Do You Actually Think America is Better Than Other Countries?

07-10-2012 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
wtf dude, you're the one who said you didn't want to get into a discussion of particular policies.
Do you think things should change in this country?
07-10-2012 , 06:10 PM
I think immoral behavior should stop no matter where it's occurring.

Don't you?
07-10-2012 , 07:40 PM
NB4 "Taxation is theft"

NB4 an arrest is referred to as a "kidnapping"
07-10-2012 , 07:47 PM
DBJ, when I can be arrested for doing something that causes no conceivable harm to another person, ala smoke a joint, do you believe the government has violated my rights?
07-10-2012 , 07:51 PM

Do I think it's stupid, yes.
07-10-2012 , 08:06 PM
In our system where the few are given much more representation than the many. There are many rules which are unfair to much of the population. This person, while partly responsible for their fate, cannot be always be blamed for the system they reside within.

Is the cop a kidnapper? Probably not. He would likely face consequences if he were not to follow certain aspects of his job. Read as, the cop is also being coerced. However, if he goes home at night, sleeping soundly without any thought of those he was forced to oppress, or without speaking to friends, family, and even coworkers under the right circumstances, then that person is complicate in the violation of their brother's and sister's inherent rights. Maybe he isn't thinking so deeply, or isn't capable of understanding for whatever reason. Maybe he gets a pass then, but that is a somewhat different issue.

Without considering any other aspects of such a society, but if we were to remove the bonds of law, I think we can both agree it would be wrong for me to steal from you, just as it would be wrong for you to murder me without sufficient reason. Do our laws bond us as countrymen? Sure, but that does not give a right to violate our dignity and right to do as we wish. Just because there is a totalitarians somewhere does not mean those people have no rights. Was there slavery? Sure, but that did not change that you cannot own another person.

Don't you agree?

Last edited by Regret$; 07-10-2012 at 08:14 PM. Reason: garmmarr rewording
07-10-2012 , 08:15 PM
No. Without law, chaos reigns supreme.

You must accept the good with the bad.

I'm sure I'll piss off a few people, but getting arrested for using marijuana is like nut low intelligence in my mind.

I know many many smokers who manage to smoke their whole lives without drawing the attention of law enforcement, and most of them have the intellect to talk themselves out of it.

I spoke to one today who is a regular poster on 2p2 who was caught smoking without arrest. I feel no sympathy for those who do not have the intellect for deception.

My issue with the war on drugs is quite the opposite. I feel that it impedes natural selection, just as motorcycle helmet laws do.

Just as I question the benefit to society of the individual who chooses to engage in proven dangerous activity without the proper protective equipment, so too do I question the benefit to society of habitual drug users.

Particularly those who cannot deceive and outwit the simplest amongst us.
07-10-2012 , 08:20 PM
I don't think I can really disagree with your statement any more. Why not just just give people a fitness and intelligence test and eliminate the bottom 50%? Surely that would be quicker to achieve those goals.
07-10-2012 , 08:21 PM
Too fascist IMO
07-10-2012 , 08:22 PM
As long as violating people's rights feels good its ok then I suppose. Perhaps only fascist regimes built around judeo-christian theocracy is ok.
07-10-2012 , 08:29 PM
"The right to life, liberty, and staying baked all day"

-US Declaration of Independence

Look, here's my bottom line. I support ending the war on drugs because it's a giant waste of taxpayer money, I've lost several good friends in it, and that money can be better spent fighting more dangerous crimes.

I'd support it a hell of a lot more if a system was in place whereby I wasn't footing the bill for the food, clothing, medical expenses and housing of people who want to do meth all day.
07-10-2012 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
I think immoral behavior should stop no matter where it's occurring.

Don't you?

So, you believe there should be change but you don't believe there should be a plan for change.

Will this change just appear out of thin air somehow?
07-10-2012 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Look, here's my bottom line. I support ending the war on drugs because it's a giant waste of taxpayer money, I've lost several good friends in it, and that money can be better spent fighting more dangerous crimes.

I'd support it a hell of a lot more if a system was in place whereby I wasn't footing the bill for the food, clothing, medical expenses and housing of people who want to do meth all day.
The second option wasn't what I was suggesting. I don't have a big problem with laws for practicality's sake, but if your law violates my basic rights of existence than you can expect me to to exercise my rights to fight such an unjust system.

If I will become nationalist about anything, it is that in some ways our country was founded on such wise principles.
07-10-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie

So, you believe there should be change but you don't believe there should be a plan for change.

Will this change just appear out of thin air somehow?
Change is only going to happen when enough people want it.
07-10-2012 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Change is only going to happen when enough people want it.
That doesn't answer either one of my questions but thank you captain obvious!!!
07-10-2012 , 09:54 PM
uh, maybe read it again, it certainly answers the only question you asked in that post I replied to.
07-10-2012 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
uh, maybe read it again, it certainly answers the only question you asked in that post I replied to.
So, you believe there should be change but you don't believe there should be a plan for change?

Will this change just appear out of thin air somehow?

Try again. You didn't answer either of these questions. Sorry, forgot the question mark on the first question the first time. Pretty obvious it was a question though.
07-10-2012 , 10:36 PM
Same answer dude.

Sorry you can't wrap your superior intelligence around the fact that the real world isn't simcity.
07-10-2012 , 10:37 PM
maybe if you ask a few more times?
07-10-2012 , 10:51 PM
Not to pull a HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED but it really is as simple as you just don't want to pay taxes it seems.
07-10-2012 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Same answer dude.

Sorry you can't wrap your superior intelligence around the fact that the real world isn't simcity.
So, there shouldn't be a plan because there is no support for your idea? Is that what you're saying?

I can support that.
07-10-2012 , 11:05 PM
The drug laws are ass backward. My roommate sold weed so once in awhile I would get some from him. If he was caught by the police he would probably go to jail for awhile because he had a lot in our room.

So essentially he was providing me and all the people who smoked in our house, a safe way to get MJ (as opposed to meeting up with some sketchy guy on the corner) However he would have been severely penalized by the law, yet he was providing a safe way for people to smoke.

I can imagine if the cops showed up, they would bust down the door angrily and raid the room probably screaming at people and pointing guns in the air when really my roommate was harming nobody.
07-10-2012 , 11:05 PM
Nope, the superior intellect fails again.

Goodie, you can have all the plans you want. Heck, you can have all the government you want.

There is no "should."

The amount of support for any given idea doesn't change any of this.
07-10-2012 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Nope, the superior intellect fails again.

You can have all the plans you want. Heck, you can have all the government you want.

There is no "should."

The amount of support for any given idea doesn't change any of this.
Circles and Circles and Circles and Circles.

I'm officially done with you. Blocking you and will never respond to any post of yours again.

You can rejoice now.
07-10-2012 , 11:22 PM
