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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

03-24-2016 , 12:43 AM

GL Master
03-24-2016 , 12:45 AM

That's great. It's so easy for religious people here. "I'll pray for you and your family" really seems like the right thing to say.

Whatever the closest atheist thing is to that.
03-24-2016 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I call bs, or you're the worst father ever.

One day after your child tried to commit suicide that you were on 2p2 using it to prove your anti gun stance?
Thanks man, super classy. Gfy.

Using 2+2 is something I do on a daily basis. It provides a sense of normalcy for me. Maybe if you ever have something happens that threatens to tear down your world, and you are sitting in a hospital room for hours with nothing to do except think about what you could have done differently, or what would have happened if you were a couple hours later in noticing, you might be able to grasp how important that sense of normalcy is.

Then again, you appear to be a person with no sense of empathy, so maybe instead you would whisper encouraging words to your possibly dying daughter about how selfish she is and how all of this is on her.

Once again, gfy.
03-24-2016 , 12:51 AM
That was a POS post. Steve is going on my ignore list.
03-24-2016 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
That was a POS post. Steve is going on my ignore list.
He's absolutely right. The causality in the situation is just too great for us to handle. I am glad to have never came across it before today. My soul has surveyed the situation for a second and a second too long.

Best of luck to the brother that happens to take a part in this story. Let me make clear of the fact that me saying this is merely act of obedience to expected manners of politeness. I am certainly not of the opinion that you should inflict any negative energy over yourself because of your theorized faults in that situation or most others in which you may commit fault, barring a few capital sins type of situations. Though, I strongly believe that there is a lot of potential, maybe eventuals, point of attention for positive energy in there.

Of course, one will be mad over the other, who will in turn despise him and be repugnated by his action. He will probably act in a manner similar to the one he's rising against today. He will inflict bad by twice the amount than if he had chose to gloss over what we have here. In that 'hypothetic' (u know its gonna happen) situation where he commits the sin for which he is throwing stones, the more he hates one he will hate the other by as much; but if he forgives one, he will hate the other for as much.

Ain't God almighty?

Last edited by WTFIJustDid; 03-24-2016 at 03:08 AM.
03-24-2016 , 04:27 AM
What kind of drugs are you on?
03-24-2016 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I call bs, or you're the worst father ever.

One day after your child tried to commit suicide that you were on 2p2 using it to prove your anti gun stance?
Please post more, this kind of stuff is the best argument in favor of gun control there is.
03-24-2016 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I call bs, or you're the worst father ever.

One day after your child tried to commit suicide that you were on 2p2 using it to prove your anti gun stance?
I don't know what's wrong with you, but it's bad.
03-24-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Please post more, this kind of stuff is the best argument in favor of gun birth control there is.
Last year, a friend of mine lost his son when an argument escalated and someone pulled a gun.

I don't care if someone wants a gun to hunt or target shoot, but no one needs to be running around with a gun or have one unsecured in the house.
03-24-2016 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I call bs, or you're the worst father ever.

One day after your child tried to commit suicide that you were on 2p2 using it to prove your anti gun stance?
What is the appropriate amount of time to process a personal tragedy and use it to reinforce an argument already set out within the thread that access to guns makes suicide considerably easier?

Indeed it needs to be pointed out him not having a gun that his daughter could get a hold of makes him a considerably better parent than the ones shot on average once per week by their toddlers, or the ones who provide killers their guns, both murderers of individuals after an argument or a breakup or some other dumb teen reason and the mass shooters who to to school and try to take as many with them is possible.

He is clearly a fundamentally better person than the pieces of **** who don't even want to include suicide stats in gun discussions.

I call bs you are even a functional adult. Maybe you are a Microsoft twitter bot on the loose. No normal person could have ever written that post.
03-25-2016 , 04:46 AM
Definitely a an Internet low point Steve.

Hope you were drunk or something
03-25-2016 , 09:32 AM
Good luck master3004.

I hope it works out for you and your family.
03-25-2016 , 09:55 AM
GL to you and your daughter Master
03-25-2016 , 09:58 AM
Weird coincidence. I know a family in which one of the daughters attempted suicide by pills and they have guns in the house. I feel terrible for anyone in this situation, guns or no guns, but to conclude that if there's a gun in the house, everything would have been different is patently ridiculous.
03-25-2016 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by frizbeeedog
Weird coincidence. I know a family in which one of the daughters attempted suicide by pills and they have guns in the house. I feel terrible for anyone in this situation, guns or no guns, but to conclude that if there's a gun in the house, everything would have been different is patently ridiculous.
With women they often go the route of pills or cutting when it comes to suicide attempts. With men using firearms is much more common.

Regardless the likelihood that a suicide attempt will be successful goes up by orders or magnitude if there is a gun in the house. This is one of the reasons why a law requiring guns to be stored in safes or with locks would probably save a lot of lives, but that's apparently not allowed in USA#1.
03-25-2016 , 12:06 PM

03-25-2016 , 10:20 PM
Master. Glad everything worked out. Take care of yourself and your family. 2p2 surprisingly good source of mental health advice.
03-27-2016 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Not sure where to post this, but this seems as good of a thread as any since it spawned "That's on them."

My not having a gun saved a life yesterday.

My 14 year old daughter attempted suicide last night. After a very long morning that left me considerably numb, she came out of the drug induced OD coma and was able to come off the ventilator, where she immediately told us she regretted doing it.

She doesn't have the chance to regret anything if I have a gun in my house. And while we are not out of the woods yet, the fact that we had Ibuprofein in the house instead of Tylenol may be what saves her life. Instead of acute liver failure, we may just be dealing with ulcers. It is still touch and go, an expired medication with Tylenol as a component was also used, and her levels of toxicity by Tylenol were much beyond OD levels. We are lucky to have caught the act within 4 hours, and assuming all of her major organs hold with the help of the medications used to combat OD, she will likely live without major problems.

The chances of brain damage seem to be 0, but the expired meds she took can lead to highly increased heartrate up to 48 hours after consumption, so she is under strict watch.

My daughter is a strong person who went through a weak moment and was consumed by the chemicals in her brain to commit an almost irreversible act, and she has emerged scathed but alive. She is one of the lucky few who will get a second chance after making the decision she did.

I shudder to think that a bright girl who is suffering from obvious (obvious now of course, missing the signs is something that will haunt me) chemical depression would be shrugged off by the Ikes of this thread as this act being "on her" were she to have found a gun instead of taken a tremendous amount of pills (We are estimating roughly 300-400 at this point.)

To those who have ever lost someone in this manner, be it by gun or any other means, my heart goes out to you. The pain of the attempt alone is immense, and nothing I would wish on my worst enemy. I hope we figure out a way to stop the sheer number of this senselessness in this country sometime in my life.
As a parent that makes me sick. Glad to see she didn't succeed. Hope your family can get through this.
03-27-2016 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by JimHammer
03-28-2016 , 04:14 PM
The Secret Service says no open carry at the Republican convention. There is no way they realize it, but that is probably the biggest favor anyone has ever done for the open carry crowd.
03-28-2016 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by JimHammer

This may be one of the most bizarre internet charts I've ever seen. Maybe I am a terrible person, but something about the false precision made me laugh. Getting hit by a train takes 17.92 minutes and scores a 7.08 on the 'agony' scale! I really hope that wasn't the result of a controlled study.
03-28-2016 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
This may be one of the most bizarre internet charts I've ever seen. Maybe I am a terrible person, but something about the false precision made me laugh. Getting hit by a train takes 17.92 minutes and scores a 7.08 on the 'agony' scale! I really hope that wasn't the result of a controlled study.
Also looks like suicide bombers are on to something..
04-07-2016 , 03:39 PM
People in New York have gone full ******:

Falling short of a direct ban on the home and garden tool, lawmakers in the Senate passed a bill to include machetes within the definition of a deadly weapon.

The measure, introduced in February, would make criminal possession of a machete a crime with a penalty of up to a year in prison. The bill passed the Senate Tuesday in a 54-5 vote and is now headed to the Assembly.

Sponsors argue machetes should have been classified as a weapon long ago.

“Despite the obvious serious injury that can be caused by the use of a machete, such weapons have not been included in the penal law’s definition of ‘deadly weapon,'” wrote Sen. Tony Avella, a Democrat from Queens, in a memo to lawmakers.

“This oversight is surprising given the common knowledge that machetes have often been used as weapons and are actually defined as such in Webster’s dictionary – ‘Machete – a large heavy knife used for cutting sugarcane and underbrush and as a weapon,'” said Avella.

The bill, S.3199A, adds machetes to the list of deadly weapons in the state to include switchblade, gravity and ballistic knives, daggers, metal or plastic knuckles, and billy clubs and blackjacks. Possession of which would be a misdemeanor crime resulting in as much as a year in jail.
04-07-2016 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
People in New York have gone full ******:
I think both libtards and Trump supporters can agree this is dangerous, although maybe for different reasons.
