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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

09-19-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by swd805
So a YouTube video is only okay if it's for your side?


You know what else is neat?

Reading comprehension.
09-19-2013 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
No, the exact opposite. Sane gun control people talking on the utoobz, going comically far out of their way not to get sand in anybody's vagina. Mean old libruls making fun of you isn't the problem. Not even remotely.
You seem to have a lot of sand....
09-19-2013 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
09-19-2013 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
We should have John Stewart in Congress.
09-20-2013 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
lol from your link, first poll, more strict, 51%.

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?

Nine in 10 Americans support expanding background checks on gun purchases in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, an extraordinary level of agreement on a political issue and a finding that’s been duplicated in nearly every major public poll.

Surveys show broad support spans gun owners and non-gun owners alike, Democrats and Republicans, and even among members of the National Rifle Association, whose leadership is leading efforts to spike the measure from pending legislation.
That article links back to a second article here which gives data from eight different polls:

We’ve sorted through the data to bring you seven key findings from eight national polls that asked a variety of gun-related questions. (Full details on each poll: Associated Press-GfK, CBS News-New York Times, CNN-Time-ORC, Fox News, Gallup, NBC News-Wall Street Journal, Pew Research Center and the Washington Post-ABC News.)
Here's a direct link to the Fox News sponsored poll (so you can probably trust its fairness and balancedness):

And the verbiage of the question as it was asked in Fox's poll:

Q: Do you favor or oppose each of the following proposals to reduce gun violence?

A. Requiring criminal background checks on all gun buyers, including those buying at gun shows and private sales

Originally Posted by ikestoys
Unless people think the NRA shoots magical unicorns you have to believe that support for background checks is either incorrectly polled or amazingly shallow.
One of the yak shows last week discussed exactly this, a couple of panelists concluded that this could be a result of how well-organized and mobilized the NRA's members really are on this stuff. They basically start robo-calling congresscritters every time any gun control legislation is brought up in committee. They posited that it is not so much the "long arm of the NRA" but the fact that the NRA is just far and away more vocal than the so-called "gun grabbers," and that plays well in Congress.
09-20-2013 , 10:13 AM
To expand on the previous post, this consensus ("consensus" in this context meaning both gun owners and non-gun owners) appears only to apply to the issue of background checks, nothing else.

From the second link:

4. Gun owners support background checks, but not much else

Americans in gun owning households are much less supportive of new restrictions on firearms than those who don’t have a firearm in the House. Across polls that reported such results, between 40 and 45 percent of respondents in gun-owning households support an assault weapons ban. A bare majority of this group supported a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines in the CBS-NYT poll, but support dropped below half in three other polls. Strong majorities of gun owning household members support requiring background checks for private sales at gun shows, standing at 86 percent in the Post-ABC survey and 85 percent in the Pew poll.
09-20-2013 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's against the law for out of state buyers to purchase AR-15s, according to what the reports are saying.
I don't know the details of the Navy yard shooting, but it's against the law for an out of state resident to purchase ANY firearm.

You MUST be a resident of the state you are purchasing in, unless you are an FFL holder.
09-20-2013 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Schwatt
I don't know the details of the Navy yard shooting, but it's against the law for an out of state resident to purchase ANY firearm.

You MUST be a resident of the state you are purchasing in, unless you are an FFL holder.
I could be wrong, but it from what I can dig up, VA will sell to out of state guys with a cold out of state license.
09-20-2013 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Schwatt
I don't know the details of the Navy yard shooting, but it's against the law for an out of state resident to purchase ANY firearm.

You MUST be a resident of the state you are purchasing in, unless you are an FFL holder.
That's obviously not true considering that the Navy Yard shooter bought the shotgun in VA despite being a TX resident. Reports now say he never even attempted to buy an AR15. The reports that said he was prevented from buying an AR15 due to a background check were apparently incorrect.

John Frazer, also a firearms attorney in the Commonwealth, told me that, “State law in Virginia — like most states — allows purchase of rifles or shotguns by residents of other states. Virginia simply requires some additional forms of identification.”
09-20-2013 , 08:24 PM
Between that and the 2-3 other shooters, media is really ****ing up the reporting of this.
09-21-2013 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
That's obviously not true considering that the Navy Yard shooter bought the shotgun in VA despite being a TX resident. Reports now say he never even attempted to buy an AR15. The reports that said he was prevented from buying an AR15 due to a background check were apparently incorrect.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I could be wrong, but it from what I can dig up, VA will sell to out of state guys with a cold out of state license.
That's innacurate, unless things have changed drastically from when I was extensively involved in the gun industry just a few years ago.

Bringing a gun from another state and buying are 2 completely different things. A firearm you already own you can bring almost anywhere(cept Cali, Chitown, NY, DC, etc). Buying a new firearm in a state you aren't a resident of, is a totally different story.
09-21-2013 , 01:19 AM
You may be mistaking the law for handguns with the law for long guns. A quick Google search (e.g.: Virginia State Police) says that, while an out-of-state resident cannot buy a handgun in VA, they can buy a long gun. Which is what the two quoted "firearms attorneys" in the article also says.

Last edited by gusmahler; 09-21-2013 at 01:31 AM.
09-21-2013 , 01:30 AM
Ah yes, you are correct. States differ I guess.

However, private sales between residents of different states is prohibited in all 50 states AFAIK.
09-21-2013 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Schwatt
Ah yes, you are correct. States differ I guess.

However, private sales between residents of different states is prohibited in all 50 states AFAIK.
Correct, a private interstate sale must go through an FFL.
09-21-2013 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
People get shot all the time in South Park.
09-21-2013 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Swimming pools?
09-22-2013 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I missed this post before. That's what I get setting my posts per page at 5 to laugh at the ani-gifs thread in lol.

I'm also a two. A high school buddy commited suicide in 10th grade and a weed dealer I knew got robbed, didn't resist at all, and then got shot in the head for no apparent reason.

This doesn't count the driveby shooting during a party at my friends house that missed everyone or the driveby at my parent's neighor house that also missed, but hit my dad's car.

Also excluding the couple of times guns have been drawn and aimed but not used. Not a very nice way to negotiate a divorce.
09-22-2013 , 01:17 PM
NRA's LaPierre on Navy Yard shooting: 'There weren't enough good guys with guns'
09-22-2013 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Un ****ing real
09-22-2013 , 01:35 PM
Honestly would've guessed Onion article.
09-23-2013 , 12:56 PM
Some open carriers' fixation on Starbucks has a passive aggressive creepy feel to it
09-23-2013 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I missed this post before. That's what I get setting my posts per page at 5 to laugh at the ani-gifs thread in lol.

I'm also a two. A high school buddy commited suicide in 10th grade and a weed dealer I knew got robbed, didn't resist at all, and then got shot in the head for no apparent reason.

This doesn't count the driveby shooting during a party at my friends house that missed everyone or the driveby at my parent's neighor house that also missed, but hit my dad's car.

Also excluding the couple of times guns have been drawn and aimed but not used. Not a very nice way to negotiate a divorce.
Da ****? Weird.

I'm at zero afaik, if you don't count wounded vets. Then I'd be at one. Not sure if that was a gun though tbqh, I don't ask about it for obvious reasons.
09-25-2013 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
I wonder if Wayne doesnt realise that some of these so-called "good guys with guns" can go ape **** at any time or that he does know that and he's just trying to truck this along.
09-28-2013 , 01:55 PM
**** this ****

Police: Man killed two intruders after they killed his wife, son

Cambria DA says one of intruders was man's daughter
