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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

02-18-2018 , 01:21 PM
I remember in the 80's and 90's when Tec-9's, Uzi and Mac-10's were the firearm that scared the lefties. They're still around. Why aren't they scary anymore?
These people are so ****ing stupid it's beyond belief.

All three of those specific models were banned under the 1994 Assault Weapons ban which was in effect for a decade. Unsurprisingly, despite the assurances of right wingers, people didn't flock to the docks and loading bays of our great country to continue to buy illegally imported versions of them!
02-18-2018 , 01:28 PM
Suzzer's gonna have to inform him of this ^

Maybe that's why they aren't scary anymore, because they aren't still around.
02-18-2018 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Suzzer's gonna have to inform him of this ^

Maybe that's why they aren't scary anymore, because they aren't still around.
The company that made the TEC-9 literally went out of business in 2001. Gun control works!
02-18-2018 , 01:52 PM
I love this emphasis on how irrationally scared libs are of guns. Call me Pollyanna or whatever but ofc I'm ****ing scared if I see some rando walking around with a ****ing machine pistol. How is that not a thing that people should be afraid of? I mean, not as scary as a black teenager armed with a bag of Skittles or whatever, but still **** should scare you if see a dude carrying a TEC-9 on campus.
02-18-2018 , 01:54 PM
We should be focused on either banning semi-autos and/or instituting a max capacity non-replaceable clip policy rather than getting distracted with whatever the **** the term assault rifle means.
02-18-2018 , 02:00 PM
We could just specifically ban the AR-15 model, which seems to be the gun of choice for these homicaidal jizzmoppers.
02-18-2018 , 02:10 PM
Take them all away. Banning the AR-15 is just band-aid, that may temporarily fix the school shootings, but will do very little to all the other gun violence that we barely hear about anymore, because it's not news unless there's 5+ victims.
And I'm sure the gun manufacturers will just come up with something else, and very quickly and then that becomes the go-to rifle and then we're back to square one.

Get rid of all guns that have no specific use (so hunting is still fine, but the process of getting a hunting license is tenuous).
02-18-2018 , 02:13 PM
I agree with heh. If you ban the AR-15 I'd assume the AR-16 would be debuted shortly thereafter.
02-18-2018 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
We could just specifically ban the AR-15 model, which seems to be the gun of choice for these homicaidal jizzmoppers.
Not the gun nuts are right about that one thing, that the AK and mini-14 and stuff are pretty much the same in performance. The AR-15 is so popular because it's generally cheaper than those and accessories are readily available, but if we just banned the AR-15 and variants people would use other platforms.

We should ban detachable magazines entirely imo, but capping their size at 10 rounds seems like a no-brainer.
02-18-2018 , 02:16 PM
Why the **** is hunting a thing?
02-18-2018 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Yuv
Why the **** is hunting a thing?
apparently some people don't have access to grocery stores and are forced to live off deer
02-18-2018 , 02:20 PM
Presumably because the people who hunt enjoy it. They sure aren't doing it to live off the land.
02-18-2018 , 02:21 PM
Perhaps we could send those people Blue Apron-style meal boxes to make up for the deer
02-18-2018 , 02:22 PM
Like idk about you but if there are really America citizens in 2018 who are forced to forage for food in the wild to survive like goddamn hunter-gatherers we have an even more pressing issue than gun control.
02-18-2018 , 02:22 PM
The rural areas of the United States would be unlivable without it. You'd have deer encroaching on every population center in these parts of the country.

Several years ago, prior to PA increasing the number of hunting licenses sold in my region, a near by town actually hired a team of snipers to come in and take a bunch of deer out because they were getting overrun by them.
02-18-2018 , 02:25 PM
Having professional people with specific licenses perform jobs that require guns seems like not such a bad idea to me.
02-18-2018 , 02:26 PM
Like i dunno much about rural america. I live in Chapel Hill now and it's the most goddamn rural place i've ever seen and I imagine it passes off as urban. Quick google search shows 17M people hunting in the US. That seems like a lot more than the necessary amount, but maybe I'm wrong.
02-18-2018 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
The rural areas of the United States would be unlivable without it. You'd have deer encroaching on every population center in these parts of the country.

Several years ago, prior to PA increasing the number of hunting licenses sold in my region, a near by town actually hired a team of snipers to come in and take a bunch of deer out because they were getting overrun by them.
I doubt hunters invest their time and money into this pastime because of some noble calling to make rural areas livable. I assume they just enjoy using guns, shooting things.
02-18-2018 , 02:29 PM
The motivations of the participants are irrelevant. The hunts are sanctioned by the state in the interest of controlling the deer population.
02-18-2018 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Yuv
Why the **** is hunting a thing?
overpopulation of animals in certain regions probably.
02-18-2018 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Should have made the victims children and Uncle Sam the GOP elephant.

Still amazing.
Pretty sure that actually came out after the Vegas shooting, FWIW.
02-18-2018 , 02:36 PM
Stinkbus pretty much nailed it, without Hunting, the deer population would be out of control in a lot of places, I’m sure there are other species in different areas where it is the same, since humans have become the only viable predator to keep their population in check.
02-18-2018 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
The motivations of the participants are irrelevant. The hunts are sanctioned by the state in the interest of controlling the deer population.
As an armchair psychologist I'm perpetually interested in what motivates our behaviour. Finding out what, and why, something motivates someone is like discovering the Rosetta Stone of who they are, and what they are, imo.
02-18-2018 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by StevenPoke
Stinkbus pretty much nailed it, without Hunting, the deer population would be out of control in a lot of places, I’m sure there are other species in different areas where it is the same, since humans have become the only viable predator to keep their population in check.
seems like some sort of DEER PATROL could be a more efficient solution to this problem than allowing every random idiot in the country the right to own military grade weapons, but wtf do I know
02-18-2018 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Yuv
Why the **** is hunting a thing?
Some people choose to acquire their own meat. What's the difference between buying a dead animal in the store and killing it myself, cleaning it, dressing it, and preparing it myself?
