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Marriage poll Marriage poll
View Poll Results: What should be the extent of government recognition of marriage?
Government (given that it exists) should have no role in marriage
73 48.99%
Any type of marriage conceivable should be recognised by the government
10 6.71%
Same-sex marriage plus more currently unrecognised forms
28 18.79%
Same-sex marriage
26 17.45%
Opposite-sex only
4 2.68%
Opposite-sex only, more restrictive than the American status quo
2 1.34%
Other (please specify)
6 4.03%

05-13-2012 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Pretty solid "No Gubmint" at 54%.

Are you guys going with EricLindros' line of reasoning, or do you really not understand that a commitment with no legal recognition is both pointless and already available?
Originally Posted by zikzak
Um, yes. That is pretty much correct.

If you don't have an enforcement mechanism, you don't have a contract.
to avoid making this a debate about anarchism:

you can have government enforced contracts without having them be issued by the government, you do understand this, right?
05-13-2012 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
You guys realize that somehow, somewhere, there needs to be some sort of authorized institution that decides who has the right to do spousy things on your behalf?
That's not at all obvious to me. That may be how our society has been traditionally, but I find it hard to believe that a society without goverment-recognized unions is impossible.

Also, OMG I would totally marry a bacon cheeseburger if it was legal.
05-13-2012 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
lol @ people voting for no government in marriage. You guys realize that somehow, somewhere, there needs to be some sort of authorized institution that decides who has the right to do spousy things on your behalf? Like consent to medical care, property after death, etc?

In b4 DROverments, I guess.
Did you know there's a way to delegate all of that stuff to someone without marrying them?

05-13-2012 , 10:00 PM
how in the f do u guys take such a polarizing yes no thing as same sex marriage...i mean we have a democrat who supports it and a gop who says no friggin way and its just 2 choices totally binary for 99 percent of the country but no here its 13 choices like assume government exists and beings are not just labor should gov't should just enforce contracts relating to probate and man just are you young people for this **** or not christ everything is both overly complicated and yet stupid here due to you ac pseudo intellectual tards go back to weber state or friggin denver community college. yes or no...for or isnt so hard man yes we all know in ur fantasy island the government is outta the way and everybody marries everyone and blows each other all day long and we all are billionaires but u know yes or no. ac bitches
05-13-2012 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Nichlemn
In 2, whatever hypothetical reducto ad absurdum I come up with, you're cool with it. "Can I marry my shadow?" "Sure!"
05-13-2012 , 10:02 PM
Obama supports it? Bull****. If he thought it was a fundamental right he wouldn't say the states should decide.
05-13-2012 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Obama supports it? Bull****. If he thought it was a fundamental right he wouldn't say the states should decide.
Yeah, I mean, if the obama camp gets to claim this then the RP fans get to claim the same plus a ton more than the harpies here have been throwing turds at him for.
05-13-2012 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
to avoid making this a debate about anarchism:

you can have government enforced contracts without having them be issued by the government, you do understand this, right?
Yeah sure, but they're also going to specify what is and isn't a valid contract. I don't think that line is ever going to go beyond "consenting adults", so the government will in fact be preventing people from marrying their iguanas.

It seems to me that you must accept an institution of authority that holds power over whichever subset of humans it is that you want to recognize your marriage. Government, DRO, church, whatever, some small group is going to dictate what is acceptable.
05-13-2012 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Yeah sure, but they're also going to specify what is and isn't a valid contract. I don't think that line is ever going to go beyond "consenting adults", so the government will in fact be preventing people from marrying their iguanas.

It seems to me that you must accept an institution of authority that holds power over whichever subset of humans it is that you want to recognize your marriage. Government, DRO, church, whatever, some small group is going to dictate what is acceptable.
k so we're saying we don't want the government issuing marriage licenses
05-13-2012 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollolol
That's not at all obvious to me. That may be how our society has been traditionally, but I find it hard to believe that a society without goverment-recognized unions is impossible.
If you're in the hospital in a vegetative state and your mom says "pull the plug" and your soul mate says "No!", somebody's gonna have to sort it out.
05-13-2012 , 10:11 PM
right obama doesnt support it he is the most pro gay rights president ever, over and above the call of duty, doma, dont ask dont tell, etc, etc and also well he says he does and explained why, but hey ike has the inside scoop if obama isnt over turning 230 years of history of having states decide this stuff then man he is just lying. up is down right is wrong peace in iraq = war mongering in iraq pro gay marriage= against gay marriage 13 percent tax rate is > 30 percent welcome to politard land...mean its not like obama has an election coming up he should just by executive magic wand waiving force his gay will on us all absent that heh support gay marriage? no way. fin tards
05-13-2012 , 10:12 PM
Well when you are done pretending you don't know English maybe someone will respond.
05-13-2012 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Well when you are done pretending you don't know English maybe someone will respond.
lol i was going to and then i was like wait, i have no idea what he's saying.
05-13-2012 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
k so we're saying we don't want the government issuing marriage licenses
Then what entity gets to define a legal union? Not a hypothetical, but real world, right now.
05-13-2012 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Then what entity gets to define a legal union? Not a hypothetical, but real world, right now.
I thought this was pretty well defined. In a world where the government didn't take any part in marriages, but they enforced contracts, no one would define a "legal union". At least they wouldn't define it beyond a contract between consenting adults.
05-13-2012 , 10:20 PM
ike ur hard on for the great one is flattering but this is anatta style u comment on it every time he post look man sorry but anatta prefer girls
05-13-2012 , 10:20 PM
Lincoln certainly didn't leave it up to the states.
05-13-2012 , 10:23 PM
and anatta get his point across fine last time he was here he was hero of this forum dude begging him to stay plenty of responses whole slew of them so u dont speak for the forum bitch when u speak english dudes will respond what an insufferable foolish little man
05-13-2012 , 10:25 PM
lollllllllllll wtf who is this guy i love him
05-13-2012 , 10:26 PM
its a little worse to be a slave then go from civil union to supporting full marriage...the country is moving in that direction the prudent thing is to let the states decide marriage like they always have and let it continue to rapidly evolve. especially if u have an election to win. if u are on fantasy island then by all means by writ of emancipation of marriage proclamation it is and absent that well u just dont really care now do you.
05-13-2012 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
ike ur hard on for the great one is flattering but this is anatta style u comment on it every time he post look man sorry but anatta prefer girls
Yeah, it was your style except when it wasn't.
05-13-2012 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
its a little worse to be a slave then go from civil union to supporting full marriage...the country is moving in that direction the prudent thing is to let the states decide marriage like they always have and let it continue to rapidly evolve. especially if u have an election to win. if u are on fantasy island then by all means by writ of emancipation of marriage proclamation it is and absent that well u just dont really care now do you.
Anatta, saying the states should choose isn't a change from the status quo. If Obama truly thought marriage equality was a fundamental right, then gay marriage bans are unconstitutional under equal protection and it's not ****ing up for the states to decide.

If your main point is that giant douche is better than turd sandwich, congrats. But if you accept having a giant douche as president you get what you deserve.
05-13-2012 , 10:33 PM
anatta changed and evolved as a posting artist so what he also grew in wisdom grew as a man and yet often he aint half the man he used to be
05-13-2012 , 10:34 PM
ask andrew sullivan who cried on abc's this week when the president of the usa says gays are equal it means something in and of itself. he is the first to support it and if he wins likely no other president will be against it. did he do this himself no, but it means something and he is sincere, its his belief, as it is for most liberals. why not him
05-13-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
If you're in the hospital in a vegetative state and your mom says "pull the plug" and your soul mate says "No!", somebody's gonna have to sort it out.
This is an extremely rare situation, and the institution of marriage doesn't resolve it at all. What if my mom and I are really close and my wife just found out about my affairs with a bacon cheeseburger?
